It's not THAT bad.

I almost didn't go today because of the low user rating, but I did. I ended up rating it a 6/10. I actually would almost have called it a thriller/suspense over a horror. There were a lot of holes in the story (like where the f did he originate), but still not bad.

If you go in knowing that it's not sheer horror or a slasher flick, it's pretty good. The title was absolutely stupid, but I found the plot and the characters' actions to be pretty interesting.


I also went to see it with low expectations of the movie, but turned out I actually liked the movie. The correct rating should probably be somewhere around 7. Just goes to prove that people shouldn't be swayed by the rubbish they read on imdb boards, which was mostly posted by people who haven't seen the movie. By lowering the rating, this movie seemed to attract the comments of an idiotic bunch of 12 year olds, who wouldn't have got to see it in a movie theater had it been rated 'R' anyway...


I enjoyed it,too,to all who've posted pro & con. and it is less horror (our local movie theatre sit calls it a horror film and "Split" suspense/thriller, when it IS more (understating it!) the other way around:
"Bye Bye Man" is thriller/suspence, and "Split" is horror.BOTH have not a R rating but a PG-13.(though I have READ that at least "Bye Bye Man" WAS gonna be rated R...don'tcha think that "Split" SHOULD be R, TOO? lol.

PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.


Interesting generalizations. Maybe you're right and it is just a bunch of "...idiotic 12 year olds," however I really doubt that based on the fact that idiotic kids usually can't spell or type to save their lives. It's what makes them idiots in the first place. Most of the reviews bashing this movie are actually written semi-coherently and they generally do a good job expressing exactly what they disliked about it. So you can stick to that argument, the negative reviews being written by a bunch of children, or you can come to the correct conclusion: Most adults who saw this hated it.

The main issue most people had with this project isn't the fact that its premise was flawed, or that it was poorly acted, written, edited and directed. Although it was all of those things as well. Most of those issues can be ignored or even forgiven in some cases. The real reason was the fact that this project represents Hollywood's greed and control, especially within the super watered-down horror genre. The movie had absolutely no soul, and it came off as if even the actors were running to the finish to get this whole thing over with and collect their paycheck. Did you pay attention to the editing at all? There were entire things MISSING, as in someone just didn't feel like taking the time to fix it. They simply didn't care enough.

This entire project, from the ground up was designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator (the 12 year olds you were talking about earlier - they dropped it from an R to PG13 for that exact reason), to hit all of the cliche horror standards, and to rake in as much cash as possible before being dumped and recycled all over again for something similarly atrocious. The movie's title itself literally sounds like they came up with it in a single meeting of Executives after all of the creative people were kicked out. Obviously you're entitled to your opinion, and to your ability to "like the movie," but I honestly believe you deserved either a better movie or your money back.

I know it might not sound like it, but I'm on your side, and I really believe Hollywood needs to realize their customers deserve better products. If the ticket for this movie was $2, I would understand, but it wasn't and you earned that money.


Very weird, that some very determined people are eager to bury posts which are telling the truth and saying the movie was okay and worth watching. I just read a bunch of imdb reviews which were just attacks on the movie, and actors, they did not discuss the movie at all just a bunch of metaphors. Clearly these determined reviewers did not see the movie at all. The later reviewers, who happen to be people who have actually watched the movie, are saying that it was a good movie. A lot of demented children with too much time on their hands hanging around here these days...


Rolling Stone magazine ripped it to shreds... So I take it not everyone liked it.



What? I reviewed this movie after I saw it and it was absolutely terrible. And I'm not the only one, Rotten Tomatoes hated it, Metacritic hated it, and so many more movie reviewers on YouTube hated it. Are all of them, who are quite knowledgeable on what makes a good movie, idiotic 12 year olds? What do you even like about this movie exactly, because I can tell exactly why I hate it. Bad acting, bad special effects, terrible villain, nonsensical plot, no blood, and abysmal editing just to name a few.


this movie is absolutely garbage. one of the WORST movies ever made to be shown in theaters.
It is absolutely horrible. awful. horrible acting, idiotic story. ridiculous bad guy, crappy CGI.... it is just a complete FAILURE.

I cannot believe these people got paid to create such an awful product. I used a free pass to see it and I STILL felt robbed..... robbed of my time.

this might be the most pathetic movie ever made


7.4 million dollars was out into this. I mean how? Game of Thrones had a million times better CGI with that same budget. And Blair Witch was far scarier and only cost 60,000 to make.


Three reasons: Carrie Ann Moss, Doug Jones, and Faye Dunaway. Without them, this movie would've easily been made for $5 mil or less. And comparing a movie with a cast that is much larger than three people with an actual crew to a movie that was made with three no-name actors and no on-set crew is silly. Also, the budget for GOT is PER EPISODE. Not season.


I know the budget is per episode and its CGI dragons look one billion times better than that crappy CGI Resident Evil dog. But putting the budget aside, the film is still complete garbage.


As a horror film this movie is a complete failure. As a comedy it is decent. 😀

Glorious glory
