Who was in the pod?

I remember season one ended with Supergirl opening the pod.I don't remember if they showed who was in it.Sorry.

That's just my two cents.


Watch the season 2 episode, it picks up where season 1 left off. They have the guy in the pod, he's a mystery.


I did watch the next episode. I just wanted to know if I missed something from last year's season finale.
That's just my two cents.


Mon-El, he's a Daxamite (a Kryptonian descendant).

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


Of course we don't really know that since it wasn't in the episode.


But come on....young handsome dark haired somewhat Kryptonian guy? And when did the show premiere? On a MONday (silly, but same reason young Kal-El gave him that name in the comics...).
