Really wished DJ and Steve ended up together.
Even though it's just a show with real life stories and life lessons...just comes to show you even if things appear meant to be doesn't mean they'll always be and that happens in real life, too.
They even questioned each other why did they ever break up and I hate what the writers have done to the couple.
All that build up for DJ to miss Steve only for him to return as a regular and not even be together.
That's far-farfetched that Steve's new girlfriend would be okay with Steve always "mistakenly" calling her DJ instead of CJ and all of them are friends.
Guess they need story lines. They could have had DJ's children be DJ and Steve's children and things still remain the same and they'd still have stories to tell.
If it's one couple that should have always been together on TV it's definitely DJ and Steve.
I've read about them in the Full House Stephanie books, too and all the books always talked about them being together.