MovieChat Forums > The Monster (2016) Discussion > The Monster - Why I'm Pissed *spoilers*

The Monster - Why I'm Pissed *spoilers*

I'm sure I'm not the first to pick this bone -

I enjoyed this movie for the most part. One thing I can't stand is when a character that is a TRUE IDIOT somehow manages to survive - or does something so unbelievably stupid that I feel like stopping the movie and watching something else.

*spoiler alert*
As I said, I enjoyed this movie - but right before the mom sacrifices herself so her daughter can run away, she makes sure to tell her how important it is that she run away when she says.

But hell no. The little girl did absolutely no such thing. And her mother died for nothing but blatant ignorance! I know it's a movie - but it pisses me off so bad. I want the little girl to die.


That people make stupid things sometimes in that kind of movie however,i'm pissed off

Good first part till mechanic dead..good sounds.. flat soundtrack (Tomandandy does better things )
Ok, last epic fail we have one night of Heavy rain and the monster burnt as tank of Gasoline
Last The dialogues are boring recurring redundant and just for take time and protract this *beep* agony..


found a real practical job

"To photograph: it is to put on the same line of sight the head, the eye and the heart."HCB


That type of thing bothers me too, but in this case because it was a kid I didn't get mad. Children aren't rational beings, they're stupid and impulsive and their lives revolve around their parents.


Surprisingly For some reason i also wanted the mother to live and the kid to die. But that's just until the ending. She proved herself of a worthy survivalist in the end i believe.

and the kid doing trump face. i just can't unsee it and it's irritating in a way.
