MovieChat Forums > Hand of God (2014) Discussion > Black women still playing prostitutes

Black women still playing prostitutes

I understand that actors need work but having this black woman play a sassy prostitute that's the voice of reason is just play insulting. It seems that this is how Hollywood sees black women as maids and whores. I know it is a steady paycheck but to the actress. Appear fly the producer had something to do with another film she was in and the director had something to do with monsters ball. So we know what it was about. We are giving you a shot to work with some a list names. Actress looks at it as an opportunity no matter how degrading the role is. The damage is already done. Prostitutes ,salves and maids. This is diversity. This is keeping black people in a place that they are already in and we are so happy to be at the table even if we are sitting on the floor.


Plenty of white women play prostitutes, what's the problem.


Plenty of white women play all variety of roles from prostitutes to presidents. I'm pretty sure their point is that black women do not enjoy this diversity in roles and are much more likely to be cast as a prostitute than in a more respectable role. That matters, before you ask, because it serves to reinforce stereotypes about black people, especially in the minds of people who have little personal interaction with black people and who's expectations are heavily influenced by the media.

In other words, for people who live in majority white areas, go to majority white schools and grow up to work for majority white companies, their idea about people of other ethnic or racial backgrounds is heavily influenced by what they see in the media, since they have nothing else to compare it to. So when they see the majority of black women playing prostitutes, drug addicts, promiscuous women or other stereotypical roles, they develop the expectation that most black women are really like this. They reason that the black people they actually meet who don't fit these stereotypes are "one of the good ones".

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I Loved how diverse the cast was period. And she wasn't a prostitute period, he loves her and she demands respect, she is far more than her color or profession.



Great story. What's great is that you only see her as a prostitute even though she is a successful real estate owner. Good for you for only picking out the negative which is so very typical of the type of people who complain about what's "holding back their race".

Also, most famous movie hooker is probably Julia Roberts and she was just a hooker in that film not a very intelligent, real estate owner who also makes a fortune sleeping (sometimes) with rich men.


I don't think they said that the black woman is "their" race. She/he said it happens a lot.

It does happen a lot. HOWEVER OP. This instance is completely different. There is a whole other side of her AND there are a plenty of other roles black women take on not just hoes SLAVES and maids. As for maids and slaves those are usually movies and shows that take place back in time when blacks were only slaves and maids. Prostitutes are played by all ethnicities... (Not race by the way.) You're focusing on one piece of the puzzle not the whole thing.

Yes I am black so I can definitely see both sides of the story. You just happen to not see the whole thing THIS particular time.


She was more than just a hooker. She was a major part of the show and a fully developed character, not just some brown sugar T&A. I think you and what you're reducing her to are the problem. Did you notice black people in the show that WEREN'T prostitutes, because they were there too. But go on cherry picking to support your need to bitch.


This, I watched the pilot and thought nothing about her. Just finished the series and loved the character. She did more with what she got than some actresses do with a starring role. I was impressed. People like OP will bitch about anything.

Good can not exist without evil. They are two sides of the same coin. Such is the duality of life.


Everyone especially white people see hate in the eyes of another race. Some "adults" just whine if theyre not in a movie or ever get roles good and bad. Start putting obligations first life may make sense.


Amazon's original content seems to be mostly aiming at a very specific target: older white men. That's just the way it is and it's probably because Netflix cornered the market to anything else and because they know who has money to spend.

I'm actually shocked they even have minorities on their shows so I'm not exactly surprised a black woman is playing the prostitute. However, she's not portrayed as a black prostitute. She could very well be a white woman and that would change nothing to the character or the story.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Are you kidding? The mayor on the this show is black! The president in real life is black! The rapist was a white cop. Sleez ball judge and kid are white. Black call girl is rich, owns a ton of property and demands respect. Only racist around here is you.


She has a friend that is in the same business and she is white.
There is drug addicted con artist that feeds on people with faith: white.
There is a white supremacist psychopath with anger issues: white.
The rapist cop: White.
The white protagonist: Neglects his son, is corrupt power hungry, cheats on his wife.
Meth addicted couple that rips off a priest: White.

Let's just say most characters in this have their fair share of flaws, regardless of their skin color, so why do you make an issue out of this?
Also, Tess is neither a one-dimensional side character nor shown in a bad light. She has many positive qualities and is in control of her life.
