The TMZ rubbish

Totally slowed down the movie in my opinion I thought it was awful. Guess I don't watch enough TMZ to know the jokes but yeah just straight crap.

I loved the movie I would give a 10/10 cause I'm an avid Lonley Island supporter but I preferred Walk Hard to be a better story than this.


I agree, I'm a huge the Lonely Island fan but I honestly wasn't expecting much from the movie, however I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was far better than I thought it would be, the only thing that dragged it down were the two beyond stupid TMZ scenes, really could have done without them.


I thought they were some of the funniest scenes.

and they were barely in the movie for like 5 minutes


More like 1 minute total...


I've watched just enough TMZ that those scenes hit the mark. If you aren't familiar with TMZ (and if so, good for you) I can see how those would whiff.


The TMZ scenes, bees, and toni! Tony! Toney! Tonee? Were the best parts about the movie.


Yeah I really didn't get the TMZ stuff either, despite loving the rest of the movie. They felt really forced.



I haven't watched a single episode of TMZ, but I've seen enough of the commercials for an episode to get the jokes.

Those parts had me rolling around laughing.


The CMZ stuff was the funniest stuff in the movie. The rest of it, meh.


CMZ was funny bro. The second time they did it with all the shakes/juices, hahahahahaha


TMZ jokes were awesome, one of the most best spoofs Ive ever seen...just brilliantly stupid.


I loved them.

Do the TMZ guys regularly drink sodas or did they make that bit up?


I took it more like a reference to their laid back attitude they represent, and can also be seen on YouTube, like it's all fun and games, but if TMZ had existed 20 years ago, they'd have been in the first line to harass Princess Diana, so it was a well earned spoof, and they got really good comedians to do it.

Actually, a few months before the Nostalgia Critic did a similar spoof of them inside a movie critique, so all signs points to them being nothing they actually show.

I live in the Gordius Apartment Complex, my interior designer was M.C. Escher.
