Well, the OP is sorta right. I have seen a lot of BS arguments in upper class neighborhoods...I've seen Lawyer vs. Doctor in Civil Court arguing over a fence, with both hiring expensive lawyers, etc...why? Because they have the money. And they feel entitled. I'm a Doctor I KNOW BETTER than YOU. I'm always right. And many people with money are older, like the 2 I've seen on this show, and quite frankly usually the older professionals have the most money...the one who killed his neighbors over the driveway BUT the wife had the phone on so 911 heard the whole thing. Course when cops came he claimed self-defense...but 911 had him shooting them in the back "time for you go to hell!" and honestly, if it weren't for that 911 tape he probably would have gotten away with it, I'm sure he thought he'd never be arrested....like I said they feel very entitled. And of course the one that got us so bent up over was the one in Michigan were the neighbor killed 4 people including two children, then killed himself. The young boy was hiding but he came in the house and killed him. And this guy, Paul Crawford, his kids are in silhouette on the show DEFENDING their dead POS father! Wow. Again, he was a bit older, he sounded like a real jerk...it's his way no matter what. Now, yeah most crime is in the poorest areas but do we really wanna watch shows about feuds in the hood? They just wouldn't be as interesting. They don't let it get that far. My wife started crying watching the end of that episode "Lake of death" or whatever...with Paul Crawford killing 2 kids and his own kids defending their dead POS dad on the show. But too scared to show their faces.
P.S. Would I still defend my dad? No. Not at all... he crossed a line killing the children, stalking them as they hid, not in a fit of rage..planned...I wouldn't even attend my dads funeral. Course, they said hardly showed for P. Crawford's funeral. Can't believe they still live there. What sacks of dung.