Chances for a sequel...

The film had a lackluster performance at the international box office but it wasn't straight up flop and it was mostly well received by movie critics.

I believe that the future of the franchise lies on the success of home media release and to the faith that the studio executives and the producers have to the brands popularity as well as to their own product.


An all-animated straight to video sequel feat the voices of the same cast is possible but even that I can't see happening.


The film had a lackluster performance at the international box office but it wasn't straight up flop

If the studio doesn't make money it's not lacklustre, it's a straight up flop.

and it was mostly well received by movie critics

It was savaged by critics. The Kindest reviews it was given is that it was slightly better the previous but still garbage. Even then the basis of that is that it was deliberately stupid - there's something very wrong when people come to expect a movie to be bad that it's given a bit of a pass if it's deliberately bad.

I believe that the future of the franchise lies on the success of home media release and to the faith that the studio executives and the producers have to the brands popularity as well as to their own product.

Like Dredd?


Perhaps the studio is waiting to see how it fares with Blu-ray/DVD sales and rentals before deciding. It could be very successful with that.
