Brad Garrett's voice = nails on a chalkboard
True story...I was looking forward to watching this TMNT installment for the longest time. I personally kept away from anything spoiler related, didn't read up on it much etc. I only knew what characters were going to be in the film, and that's why I was excited. I'd waited a long time to see Bebop/Rocksteady and Krang on the big screen.
While driving home, having already decided to watch Out of the Shadows that evening, a commercial featuring Ray Romano came on the radio, and it reminded me how much I cannot stand Brad Garrett. Everything about the guy just rubs me the wrong way, ESPECIALLY his voice. The thought clearly left my mind, as I continued on with my life.
That evening, as I start the film, I think to myself that even if they butcher Krang's character/storyline, it wouldn't matter because I was finally getting to see him 'on the big screen'. Then it happened...Krang spoke...and one of my favorite TMNT characters was destroyed...
I didn't recall seeing his name during the opening credits, so either I looked away for a moment, or my brain gave me a mini stroke upon seeing it wherein I lost any recollection of it ever appearing at all. Either way, if I had known Brad Garrett was associated with the film, I would've never watched it.
"Well...I've seen enough. Come on Charlie, we're going home."