TMNT90 Will Always Be The Best

The original 1990 TMNT movie still holds up great and I think will always be the best adaptation of the TMNT in anything. It had the right balance of being dark and edgy without overdoing it and it still had plenty of good humor that never got OTT or campy. Rather than being based off of the 1987 cartoon it was more influenced by the early issues of the 80s Mirage comics which IMO was a smart move. Factor into that the excellent interplay between the TMNT which each Turtle feeling unique, the outstanding animatronic costumes that 26 years later still look lifelike, the spot-on casting of April and Casey, the Shredder who was actually frightening and menacing unlike his cartoon counterpart and the great practical fight scenes.

It isn't just childhood nostalgia speaking because at 29 I find the movie is still very entertaining and is surprisingly deep in parts with some emotional moments amidst the humor and action. It's one of those movies that turned out so much better than it had any right to be and wasn't just a terrific adaptation but a fine film on it's own merits. Plus it feels so early 90s which for me is a huge part of it's charm (same with Secret Of The Ooze), the TMNT were at their absolute height of popularity during 1990/1991 and the 90s atmosphere and style just adds to it for me.


I too rewatched this film recently (and, for the first time on Blu-Ray I might add).

Its still got it .

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


Indeed it does  It still rates among the best comic book adaptations for me.


T.M.N.T. 1990: 4/10
T.M.N.T. II - S.O.T.O.: 1/10
T.M.N.T. III: 3/10
T.M.N.T. 2007: 4/10
T.M.N.T. 2014: 3/10
T.M.N.T. 2 - O.O.T.S.: 3/10


Agreed. It still holds up. This new wave of Turtles movies are terribly over the top. Shredder has been crap in both of these new ones, and I didn't think any of the Turtles in the first one had clearly decipherable personalities.


Couldn't agree more!!! The 1990 movie is a classic to the fullest extent, it has it all, great story line, humor and the right amount of it unlike the new movies which are way over the top. The turtles look great and I love the live action but most of all, the character development is outstanding and carried through to 1991 part 2.
TMNT 1990 is without doubt the best, also the part of Shredder, April, Casey and Splinter are also excecuted very well


While I don't hate the newer TMNT movies they feel too OTT and try too hard with some of the humor. The balance is perfect in the 1990 movie.


1990's Shredder was the best.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


He's actualy scary in the 1990 movie, same with the 2003 animated series.


What I loved about the first film was how the story remained both realistic and fantastic at the same time.

Here's an example: during the fight between Shredder and the Turtles, Shredder manages to take on everyone at once and give them a rough time (after all, he is a veteran warrior in his own right and the sons of Splinter were certainly inexperienced by comparison)...yet he still is damaged by Leonardo. Despite his prowess, getting tag teamed by four younger combatants themselves trained by an old master is in itself a risky proposition.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


 Very well-put. It'd be so awesome if the same director and writers from the 1990 movie would return for the next movie.


I agree with probably the best adaptation of the Archie comics but not even close to the original TMNT (mirage comics).



I don't agree at all, I find it massively overrated by the fandom and lacking in character balance as well as being seriously outdated even by the time it was released.


It is the best Turtles movie and it's massively overrated. It's a 6 out of 10 movie, perhaps a 6.5 out of 10 film that some deem amazing because it was better than expected. The story is too simple and Saturday morning cheesy, the costumes are charmingly retro but don't hold up because they are too restrictive and only two of the Turtles get any real time to shine.


Agreed. I'm a big fan of TMNT and the only time I really enjoyed the original movies was when I was younger, but now they're borderline painful to watch.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.
