Recall what Jane’s undercover boyfriend told her what Det. Quinlan had said: with five suspects, one of them was bound to crack, and would “get a sweet deal; the rest of them are fucked.” I believe The Monterey Five thought if they confessed en masse, they would all get preferential treatment. I wouldn’t be confident with that plan, but it’s the only explanation that makes anything at all like sense. It seems that they are all guilty of conspiracy and of impeding a police investigation. Bonnie can be charged with manslaughter, but I don’t know in what degree. What will happen to Ziggie? Celeste will be locked away from her boys, who would probably go to Mary Louise after all. I guess part of the group’s motivation was, in some cases, the lie was ruining their lives anyway (Bonnie and Maddie), or her life was already so destroyed that nothing else matters anymore (Renata). It seems that we need a Season 3.