MovieChat Forums > Big Little Lies (2017) Discussion > Reese "do you know who I am" Witherspoon...

Reese "do you know who I am" Witherspoon...

Pretty much says it all, huh?


I've never heard of this Reese person. Guess I don't know who she is, lol.


What's your point?


I think the OP is saying how Witherspoon is a terrible human being for her arrogant behavior during her arrest.

Want three steaks?... My mistake. Four steaks. 


As said in the post "it pretty much says it all". Sorry Reese - or Reese's mom/agent/father/sibling/man/stylist/maid/gardener/etc.



People still talk about it. It revealed to the world what was rumored about her.

Want three steaks?... My mistake. Four steaks. 



Being drunk doesn't change who you are. It's not some magical potion. It lowers your inhibitions and basically, you act out things you wouldn't do sober but are buried deep in you, in vino veritas. Acting like a fool is one thing, to demand not being arrested because one is famous is absolutely despicable. If no one is perfect, why would some act better than others?

Want three steaks?... My mistake. Four steaks. 



Sure it does. It's like being a different person. I myself have experienced it and so have countless others

Never said it was.

So it's not a magic potion but it changes someone. Interesting. Regardless, it's no excuse. Should abusive husbands get a pass because they were drunk? You have to own up to your choices and take responsibility and Reese has yet to do that, outside of obvious PR-ridden "apologies".

It limits your function to behave in a natural way. While it often brings out emotions buried within, Reese had no previous problems with authority or since, so that argument is unsubstantiated.

I never said she had a problem with authority before but from her behavior before and after the arrest, she clearly has a huge ego. Kevin Smith, Robert Luketic (director of Legally Blonde), Vince Vaughn, etc. have all dealt with her and know what she is really like. She maintains this "nice girl" act when she's just as full of herself as the worst celebrities. She even complained about how a film, Wild, she produced/starred in didn't get nominated for Best Picture and blamed it on sexism, despite the fact that it wasn't as acclaimed as she thinks it was. Even if it was, making movies and expecting awards is just undeniable ego and entitlement.

LMAO... It's hardly despicable or even a big deal. They're much more serious things to worry about than a celebrity getting drunk once and causing a ruckus. If I was famous I would have probably done the same thing. You're being juvenile and trivial.

Maybe I am overreacting but I don't except pride. I can accept any human flaw but pride is the root of everything wrong. It can fill you with greed, hate, anger, prejudice, etc. Like I said, if no one is perfect, why would some think they are? And if you would have acted that way, I wouldn't want to be around you.

Don't know and really don't care. The point is, this is a retarded topic that keeps getting brought to the forefront by simpletons. It's a dead subject that was laughable from the go. Everyone gets their panties in a bunch over some stupid actress who decided to get drunk and pull the "I'm famous" card. So what? You'll live.

You have seen the videos, right? She was absolutely disrespectful and completely thought she was right when she wasn't. Even her own husband wanted nothing to do with her and admitted that she can be like this a lot. I know no marriage is perfect but I surprised they are still married after that.

Want three steaks?... My mistake. Four steaks. 



What says it all? This is old news and not relevant anymore. Dumb topic.

Dumb response from a dumb person!!!


Sorry Reese - or Reese's mom/agent/father/sibling/man/stylist/maid/gardener/etc.
