Digital release?

So, is this going to be one of those flicks that you hear about, want to see, but only ever read about how it's perpetually making the rounds at film festivals, or will it be released on the web (Vimeo, Amazon, etc) so the rest of us who can't afford airfare & lodgings can see it, too?


All I could find was the creator's site and store:

You could check it every once and awhile to see when it gets released.


It's actually making the rounds at a film festival in my town in a couple weeks, but ironically I have airfare and lodgings arranged in Latin America at that time.

This would be a perfect midnight movie, but they're too busy trotting out tired old films like "Rocky Horror" or laughing at the incompetence of "The Room" or enjoying the 80's "nausea-stalgia" of "The Breakfast club" to take a chance on new programming. The good news is it WILL eventually go digital because films like this can't make much money these days.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


your signature-line runs:
"Let be be finale of seem"

Which is mysterious while making absolutely no sense at all. Congratulations.
The next bit about ice-creams makes sense, which is a shame (I was hoping for more nonsense).

Enjoy your ice cream.


Check the official movie site out:


Available on April 1, 2017 to Download according to the official website.


DVD & Blue Ray march 14, 2017.
