Series 7 Premier

Just saw Series 7, Episode 1 and although it was nice to see the characters again, there seemed to be something missing--it was just weak. The relationship between Martha and Tom has got too silly. But what I disliked the most was the same thing that bothered me about much of Series 6, which is that the show focuses mostly on the other couples, while Cassie has become almost a background character who just drops in once in a while to say something wise. The final scene, with the dirt, and George acting mysterious, was intriguing, so I hope it leads to a more interesting Episode 2.


Seems to happen in a lot of shows the main character/actor starts to take a back seat. And the supporting cast aren't compelling enough to carry the show.


Came to post that the character Adam is really a jerk and Stephanie is due for some good luck in the dating arena.


Is that the same BF at the end of season 6 cause if so, yea, he needs to go. I didn't like him at ALL. I was really liking the Brewery guy and I HATE how they got him off the show (he got back with his ex-wife, who was already established to have married someone else????!?!?!?!?!?!...ok....) and replaced him with the new guy who did didn't like as much. I was hoping, like all of Stephanie's other BFs, he would be out this season, lol

As for Season 7 itself, I haven't see it yet but going to watch all 3 episodes this Sunday so I am looking forward to it.


Stephanie's new possible boyfriend, some smirky kid called Sean, is insufferable. I hope he doesn't last. I'd rather see her with Adam. Ben was my favorite Stephanie boyfriend, but unfortunately he disappeared long ago. Also, I don't really care for the lesbian direction they are taking Joy in (not that there's anything wrong with that), it just doesn't seem to fit the show.


Ben was the best. But I will definitely take Sean over Adam. I don't see their relationship lasting long at all but he's more fun to watch than Adam. I just can't stand the guy. and having to watch him pouting all episode about Sam last episode was excruciating. The guy needs to go on another one of his precious missions for like 6 months to a year. MAYBE if he didn't go flirting and leading on another woman on his mission trip, he wouldn't be in his current predicament.

As for Joy. Completely agree with you. I mean...the story is what it is...I got inklings Joy was lesbian from previous episodes so...whatever. Current times dictate forced story lines like this but who am I to complain? I just feel bad because it took some of my family members by surprise and now they refuse to watch the show and they have watched Good Witch since it started in 2008. they were ticked that Hallmark did it. For me, it's just an awkward plot. I ask myself, what is awkward here that ISN'T awkward when a man and woman do it? Maybe it's just the overacting with the constant looks and demeanors the two girls are showing in their scenes. But I'm with you on it not fitting the show.

But I will say....I rather have Joy and Tailor over Adam any day, lol


I agree the predicament Adam is in regarding his relationship with Stephanie is his own fault, for going away and getting involved with another woman. But I still don't care for Sean, who is too juvenile for her. Maybe I wouldn't mind Joy being outed if I liked the firefighter actress better. There's something about her that irritates me. I suppose I'll just have to get used to it.


Mini ramble ahead, sorry, lol

I get you about Taylor. For me, it's really an acting thing. Boths girls are weak and awkward as hell. I get they were filming during Covid but I just can't accept that as an excuse. The writers just don't know how to write for a gay couple, I guess? There is no chemistry between them at all. Like I said, it feels more forced in for the sake of diversity than an honest genuine storyline.

I hate to use the phrase 'get used to it' because people feel the way they feel and it shouldn't be discounted.
This is the first time in the show's 13 year history they brought in a gay relationship and it's going to take time for the audience to adjust to it. But sadly, that's how things are going any more. I don't like the idea of everyone needing to be diverse. I know that sounds so close minded. I guess I just mean it in the sense of shows have their audience and though it is good to expand audiences to get more popularity there's a way to go about it and I feel Good Witch did not do it the right way. To me, it's like going to a vegan dinner and bringing meat and saying 'you need a diverse menu, get over it'. In the end, I am still with you...maybe a better actress for Taylor...or some better writing and it would be fine. Right now I am just not interested in the story line and it sounds like it will be a big part of next week's episode.


Then there's Sean. I hated what they did to him last week. I think he's cute. I think he and Stephanie have a good banter. Don't know if I like the age difference but I see how they are giving Stephanie all different options throughout the series. But I was NOT a fan of the juvenile 'date' they set up this past week. He legit brought wings and video games to HER house? really? Even though he's young, they set this guy up to be somewhat cultured with his being in France and traveling the world and the baking and all that. What would have be adorable if they made his 'idea of casual' the same as hers and surprising her with his maturity. Instead, they are going make him act like a 16 year old and that's just dumb to me. I still prefer him over Adam. He's just so obnoxious and an over actor. Him with the chili peppers was ridiculous and I just don't buy anything he does. I hate that they may be working to get the two of them back together. The writers just can't decide what they want to do: be realistic or just throw noodles at the fridge to see what sticks. there's no rhyme or reason to anything going on right now.


You have something there, about the actresses who play Joy and Taylor. Maybe the irritation I feel is because neither, especially "Taylor", is particularly convincing, and they have zero chemistry. The awkwardness just goes on and on. And a show like "Good Witch" just didn't need to throw in a lesbian subplot, as if it's a teachable moment. As for Sean, it just bugs me that Stephanie, a grownup woman, is being wasted on a guy who comes off like a high school kid. Maybe I'd like him better if he had another facial expression that didn't involve smirking. I guess I like maturity and sincerity, and I don't get any coming from him.

So far this is my least favorite season of "Good Witch". It just doesn't seem to have the depth and mystery it used to have, and I miss Cassie being the featured character. If it's going to continue this way, I think I'd rather they just wind it up and call it a day.


Completely agree on all counts.

I have watched plenty of movies and shows featuring gay characters and, even if I don't care about those plots, I can tell when two people have good chemistry. Again...there's something about the writing...take this last episode where they were on the date. they acted more like kindergarteners asking each other their favorite colors/food then two people on a date. They were trying to be cute....but it was just...awkward. Again, I question myself on what makes it different from a man/woman doing the same thing?....But there is just something off about it.

I agree that I don't think the lesbian plot should have been brought to the show. Forced diversity for the sake of it or to virtue signal just isn't they right movie, in my opinion. This show has a certain audience and niche and they aren't happy with such a drastic change. People watch this show to escape all of the sexual politics and now it's being forced in their face. And I think not advertising it or 'warning' the audience this was going to happen was really bad form for the network; it took a lot of people I know by surprise and not in a good way.

I like where they went with Stephanie in Sunday's episode. I am glad Abigail told her to stop chasing the men and chase after what she wants. I would like to see her end up with neither Adam or Sean. Sean, I would love to see him stay on the show; I like him (good eye candy, haha) but I think his part with Stephanie is done.

and yea, this is my least favorite season. I don't like this mysterious amulet/wonky power thing they are doing. It's not obvious enough or connecting and the way it's stretched out just isn't working for me. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt because every show has a bad season along the way but it is disappointing seeing it happen now


Yes, to all you said (except I don't dig Sean as much as you do, but then I'm a guy). It looks like Adam and Stephanie are getting back together (as of the July 11 episode) and there was no Sean in sight. Perhaps, like so many past "Good Witch" characters, he has just disappeared without a trace.

I swear I have nothing against lesbians, but I think the lesbian subplot has been a jarring failure. I hope the Taylor character gets dropped eventually and Joy just goes back to being Joy with no reference to her sexual preferences.

I really hope the unpleasantness between Cassie and Sam is resolved soon. Seeing Sam sleeping on the couch was sad.

One thing I do like this season is that George's part has been increased. I like Peter MacNeill and the way they have made George a "familiar" to the Merriwick witches, helping them solve their mysteries.

Yes, the amulet plot is getting old.

I would like to see the show re-focus on Cassie, as in previous (better) seasons.


Ugh! I know. I just...can't stand Adam. And bringing them back together is so dumb. He's not sexy, I can't say he's not good looking; just he's too sissy-ish for me and it's not attractive at all. He's clingy and with all this Stephanie wanting to go to France thing it is just dumb to bring them back together. I am interested to see what happens in the last episode to see how they close them out. I say Steph should go to France and get herself a real Frenchman. I also noticed Sean is gone. A shame. He should have been with Stephanie at the couple's race; not her and Adam, that was dumb, lol

I agree 100% about Joy and Taylor. I am very curious to find out if their plot had anything to do with the show's cancelation. "Go Woke, go broke' is a real thing. I just know a lot of people (via comments/message boards) were unhappy with the addition. Again, on a different network, maybe if this was the start of the show and everyone was new characters it would have worked. But ramming something into a niche audience is not normally received well.

Cassie and Sam will be fine. I think it's all part of this dumb haloed moon thing. Everyone is all off character and all that. Cassie being all needy and angry just didn't fit well. Sam was over working after a bad sprain nothing more. Not like he was going off on a police chase. It was just uncalled for but the who season had been building (vagally and not well) this idea of disconnect. It will totally be fixed by the last episode. But it is sad seeing Sam so angry and cold all the time. I grew to like the character (I didn't watch the series in the beginning because of him and Jake not being there) and he just seemed to...."off" this season.

I hate how there is a word limit now, lol



As for George. yea. I think it was horrible having him come in for one 10 second scene and then going off to paint something/fix something in seasons past. I thought 'what a waste of an actor' so I am happy they gave him more to do this season. I'm just sorry they had to try and tie him into the Merriwicks the way they did. That after living in Middleton for YEARS and being the father in law of the chief of police and living with Cassie for years...we're talking at LEAST 20 if Grace is 15/16 at the start of the show and he NEVER....not once...ever....mentioned any connection to the Merriwick family or of Gray House? Yea no...don't buy that malarkey, lol. But whatever; if gave him something to do.

Out of all the cast; I am going to miss Martha and Tom. Martha had been a breakout for me; especially this season. Her godfather references were great. My dream would be for them to get a Spin Off show.


Well, it's all history now--"Good Witch" is finished July 25th, I was shocked to discover just minutes ago. Too bad they couldn't have gone out with a stronger season.

Oh, well--going by the comments, it looks like we two were just about the only ones still watching.
