Agree, they could have simply recast the character. However, the story line would have been a bit stunted with the main characters married. It would be tough to center a story around them that hasn't been done in the previous films. It's lucky they have Brandon and Lori's characters as still part of the cast. This way they can introduce many other story lines. There is more potential.
However, I think Cassie's character was better off married. It just worked for her. She and Jake had something unique or special. Catherine and Chris had a nice chemistry, gave the film a feeling of unity between the characters that not all leads can pull off. They were a team. By taking away Jake, Cassie seems lost and out of sync. She needs someone who grounds her like Jake. Maybe Denton's character will be that grounding force.
I would like to see the show find it's footing and gain a nice following. Just depends on how they choose develop the story and where they take the characters. I like the wholesome quality of the show. Hope they keep it that way.