
Some talk about "experiences" while others call themselves "skeptics."

What say you?

A little glass of wine now and then is best ignored whilst the silliest of moms harps on her shrink(influecing the gender decisions of the engineer).D E A D T W I N S I S T E R V O Y E U R



Actually, I'm James Boland.

It seems you're not soon to be featured in a movie because you're in theaters NOW.

Not one more librarian for the shrink.G h o s t A u n t i n H o l l y w o o d



Right on.

There is the story of the Paranormal Expert...

Once upon a time, a family moved into a Haunted House.

The stairs creaked, the lights flickered and there were cold spots. Scores of Investigators scanned and probed the house with electronic equipment ranging from infrared cameras to sound wave analysis software. None prevailed, and the ghastly symptoms remained.

Until one day when, by happenstance, a plain-talking gentleman was walking past the house and came upon the family in the driveway as they were about to abandon their own home, for they couldn't take it anymore.

The gentleman told them to come back in a week.

A week later, the family returned to find the gentleman walking in and out of the house, carrying all sorts of things you'd normally see at a hardware store. "Come back in one more week," he bellowed.

And so they did. When they returned, the gentleman was gone. The stairs didn't creek, the lights stayed on, even when they ran the vacuum. The gentleman left a bill for his services, much lower than the others charged.




Why thank you very much.

And I must agree about those Reality TV shows. To me, they're just like sitcoms with a looser script and filmed on location as opposed to on a set.

Actually, Hollywood engineering is pretty weird.

Twin pool!D r u n k a s a s h r i n k



That woman is a Real Estate agent's dream come true.

She has such a hard time with her deceased sibling, undoubtedly because of unresolved issues ...and phantoms, of course.

Reminds me of the story of a haunted house where things kept sliding off the counter. Until a "skeptic" came over with a carpenter's level and wood shims.

Not your sister's harping!E n g i q u e e r



Science, yo! If only her brother could haunt her forreals and spook her out of playing with magnets and calling goblin investigation crews.

He divided his time between the loony bin, the house of witchcraft and the bar.D e a d T w i n s D o L i e



Would actually like to see the return of Jake and the Fatman. No ghost cops, but mortal cops, lawyers, doctors and bartenders.

Of course, that show wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance in today's market. They drive old cars and use old telephones.

Promiscuity is the only investment that never fails to disappoint.D e a d T w i n s S t i n k


Probably not magnets.
Oh, the things you can do with invisible thread from unraveled pantyhose.



I must respectfully dispute that.

I have personally seen evidence of spirits. I remember once walking past a particular establishment where there was a bit of an uproar. I could tell the crowd was particularly excited... so much more so than the folks walking past, going in and out of the shops, etc. There were definitely spirits among the crowd. The spirits seem to enter the body and influence the way people behave.

Outside the building I saw the sign that read "Spirits" and everything made sense.

Accordingly, spirits do exist. That's my opinion.

Not your sister's tarot reading!B y e b y e , T w i n s



There is a big flaw in your argument. First, scientists tend to dismiss the events without even trying to investigate it. Second, maybe we just don't have the instruments yet that can measure spirits.

We didn't know much about stars, etc. until the telescope was invented. We didn't know about microbes, etc. other than as theory until the microscope was invented. We didn't know much about atoms until we figured out to find them. Back then, the theorists were laughed at. Now, they are respected.

You have no proof they do not exist. So all of your statements have no scientific validity.

Goodness is the only investment that never fails.



There are massive flaws in your entire thinking. You are so closed minded that you have slammed the door shut and bolted it.

You are obviously no scientist. Field biologists spend decades, even centuries studying animals in the field. How many scientists are studying spirits at the same level? You also can't do testing in field biology - the very test affects how the animals act. You are thinking of chemistry and physics which is done in a lab. You can't do that studying creatures - you have to observe without your presence being known. Multiple people have to make the same observations.It can't be testable. That's the flaw in your theory and what proves you know nothing of real science.

Just like the people who insist on dragging people with paranormal skills into the lab to "test" them when it doesn't work like that. Just being in a lab and under the stress of testing affects the results. Same if you bring animals into a lab to study them to determine their natural behavior and expecting to perform certain behaviors on cue. It doesn't work and it isn't valid.

We could always see stars, but until we developed various tools, we didn't know the difference between stars and planets, we didn't know what they were made of, we didn't know anything. Just like we didn't know about microbes - at least not that we could study, until the microscope came along.

So we may not have the tools to study the paranormal. I dont' know if costs exists, or the paranormal exists, but I'm open to the idea.

You fail because you assume it couldn't possibly happen. You are the kind who denied germ theory because you couldn't see the germs. Who denied there were other planets outside our solar system because you couldn't see them.

Close minded. What is now routinely accepted as science was once considered superstition and nonsense because people couldn't see, measure, test it with current equipment.

Goodness is the only investment that never fails.









I love the idea of ghosts, and I wish they existed. But I don't believe they do.
