Cassie and the doctor had a debate over forgiveness in which she said that she has forgiven the person who killed Jake. Sounds like line of duty.
I don't know if they are getting divorced -- the first episode shows them getting separated & Tara provides some hint that it might not be final. This doesn't really factor into the time issue.
I'm unsure what the series "lacks" as compared to the movies except for Jake, especially once Cassie and Jake got married & not much changed there.
It isn't totally clear how long ago he died, but it seems on balance not to be that long ago. For into, the memorial was not for the 10th anniversary of his death or something. Also, reference to the new police chief being appointed suggests he wasn't appointed that long ago. Cassie also was told it is "time" to move on -- it doesn't seem he died five or so years ago.
The only suggestion much time passed is that Cassie has a teenage daughter now. That really artificially forces them to cover more time. Nothing else really appears to suggest ten years passed. Some effort is made to make her stepdaughter somewhat older and established, but the actress' youthful looks hinders even that.