What are her powers?

I never saw the movie.
So what makes her a good witch?
Is she a witch or not?


It's not entirely clear what talent is involved, but she is able to anticipate other people's needs early enough to provide them with advice or minor things to help them. So, precog, mind-reading, or intuition of some kind.

One could argue she's manipulative, but she seems to be good in staying on the right side of the line about that.

She also has a lot of home remedies, but those don't seem to be especially magical.

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


She can perceive and foresee things that most humans cannot. She seems to have modest telekinetic ability. She is a good witch because she is kind to everyone, and uses her enhanced aptitudes to help people.

If you were expecting nose-twitching accompanied by cartoon sound effects, you watched the wrong show.
