MovieChat Forums > Good Witch (2015) Discussion > Major Hole in the Grace Storyline....Whe...

Major Hole in the Grace Storyline....Where is Anthony?

I love this show. I have been a fan of the Good Witch movies for years, and I was so ecstatic when I heard they were making it into a weekly TV series. and I still love this show. Yet....

Even I can't ignore something so glaring. In Season 1 we were introduced to
Anthony, Grace's best friend. The character only appeared in 3 additional episodes that season.

So far this season, Grace hasn't even mentioned him. I see that his actor is not slated to appear in any of the yet-to-be-aired episodes. Why didn't they replace Anthony like they replaced Brandon and Tara? Are we really supposed to believe that Grace would just completely forget about someone she was best friends with? That's not cool.

Maybe they dropped the best friend-requited love storyline in favor of Nick and Grace? But I really can't see them together romantically, either. If anything, maybe step siblings, if Cassie and Sam ever just give in to all that extra chemistry and Linda and John back off?

But to not even MENTION him like he never existed is just unrealistic and annoying for me. Am I the only one who feels like this?


tbh, I completely forgot about the best friend, but you make a good point. It doesn't make sense to include him, then drop him with no explanation. At least tell us he moved away, or something. I think you're right in that they wanted to focus on developing the friendship and potential romance between Nick and Grace. Although Grace's character seems too mature for Nick. It would be more realistic to pair her with someone older. A major change needs to happen to Nick's character to even come close to what Grace would need in a love interest, especially since her father set a high standard.


The last time we saw him, he said that he may have to move away because his parents were splitting up. I assume that's what happened.


Ah, ok. Thanks. It would have been nice though if they had a goodbye scene for Anthony and Grace, instead of dropping the character altogether.


Both Ryan and Anthony's actors got leading roles in new shows for the 2016 season, that is why they were written off/dropped from the show.

I am glad they dropped the whole Grace/Nick/Anthony triangle however, and with Grace and Nick becoming close friends.

It would have been weird having both the parents and the children getting romantically closer/together and just causing some additional obstacles for Cassie and Sam's relationship.

This is a nice relaxing show to watch every week, it doesn't need to include teen love triangles and all the drama that entails.

Although I admit the adult triangles Cassie/Ryan/Sam and later Cassie/Sam/John have been fairly drama free so far.


I came here just to figure out what happened to him. I stopped after the 1st season because I heard it was cancelled, then it showed up on Xfinity again. So I missed the first half of the season. And tried reading plots to see what happened to him. I read some of the replies and I do remember the parents splitting up, but it was so weird to jump in and hear NOTHING of him.


When actors get hired to do television series, they only sign contracts for so long, so many episodes, so many seasons, etc. When that contract is up, the actor is no longer under any obligation to continue with the series. When an actor is not considered essential to the writing on the show, or they refuse to accept the terms of a new contract, they are often written off the show rather than rehired.

Shane Harte has gone on to do other things. They probably tried to get him back but he said no to their offer, so they wrote him off the show. This happens a lot on Good Witch, so maybe they just don't pay very well.


It's a cable show, so they definitely don't pay as well as for a network or premium cable show. It's also an ensemble show, so unless you're a lead, you get paid even less.

There's also the issue that the show doesn't do that many episodes per season, so if an actor can get a higher paying job on a network show, with more per episode and more episodes, he or she might be better off.

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