Eve and Derek

Am I the only one who thinks that Eve and Derek would make a great couple? Both characters need a storyline as they just sort of exist (especially Derek). Would be great to see them together.


In Hallmark world I think your right but both are borderline dumb as a door knob. But that would mk a great couple I never thought of that maybe it will happen in Season 3 But Eve gets on my nerves and the chief looks like the actor that had the really long saggy face he played a scientist or teacher cant remember but he died awhile back he had a receding hairline dark hair. If I find his name I will post


Personally I think the last thing they need to do is develop more story lines for the bit part characters. I already fast forward through Stephanie's and the step son's scenes that don't involve the main characters. Their relationship storylines are so pedantic and boring and also obnoxious. Neither pair really come across as great people in how they handle things. They spend so time on things like that and then never really develop the main characters or their relationships. We barely saw Cassie and Mike Denton's characters together this season, even as they were supposedly building towards a relationship.

And clearly I'm having a brain-fart when it comes to the characters' names today.
