new episodes

First I watch on DIY.
Tuesday episode is one hour fifteen minutes long, then on Sunday DIY says the episode is new, looks the same but it's one hour and a half long, does anyone know does it have any additional footage, or fifteen minutes more of commercials?


Sorry I watch on FYI....not DIY....idk what that is, or if it's


DIY stands for Do It Yourself. :-)


That's a different show...


OK so there is or isn't difference a in the shows? Forget about the channel I can't fix my mistake from my phone:)


I've found with most shows, the episode will be listed as New, according to the channel.
It may list as new on A&E, then you can watch the same episode on FYI later, and it will be New to that channel.
There is also Unfiltered, but I think that's a different show entirely; Maybe I'm wrong?


Last season, FYI had additional footage shown of the same episode, more than A&E did.
