
This is only my second season watching this goofy show and I have a question: have they ever had a couple or contestant where faith or attending church as ever come into play? Seems like it's something that is important yet they certainly avoid the topic all together.


One of the "experts" is a preacher. Doesn't that count?


Well, the "preacher" doesn't talk about God...he skates around the issue.
Still, my question is about the contestants and the seemily absence of any mention of faith of any kind.


During season 3, Sam talked about Jewish traditions and holy days.


That's right...I forgot about that.


I believe Cortney and Jason are believers... I think she even said that they talked about it but it isn't shown on the show. She had an article posted on her instagram bio for a while that talked about their faith, but I don't think it's there anymore.


I would imagine religious beliefs and the importance of any beliefs is very likely one of the factors used to pair the couples. I think most seriously religious people would probably be pretty turned off at the whole idea of the show. Therefore the actual targeted audience would probably have little interest in such things. So its probably easier just to not mention religion at all.


I agree, religion should be one of the first things to be discussed in looking for a spouse. However, in this situation, I think perhaps religion isn't very important to any of them, or else he/she would have looked first to his/her church/ synagogue/ temple to find a spouse, not to a reality show, of all places.

They are all much younger than me, and in my "old age" I can say I have learned that I would never date or marry anyone outside of my religion (unless he was interested in converting). I was not very devout in my younger years, but still believed in God. My first marriage did not work out because he was someone with much different beliefs (an atheist, actually) and if I even mentioned that I wanted to go to church, he would shame me about it. I guess you could call it "Faith Shaming".


Anyone who believes in God would have enough sense to not marry a complete stranger on national TV because they would trust Him more than the producers.


Amen to that !!


Belief in an imaginary sky daddy does not go together with "enough sense" or even "any sense" for that matter.


I can't see religion as playing a major part of this show, because this show obviously has no respect for marriage. It would be a constant clash that would actually deter the show in my opinion.
