I will probably get hate for this but out of Nick the Dick, Heather the ice queen, Derreck the mysoginist druggie, i still find Sonia the absolute worst! Annoying beyond belief. Every little quirk this girl has grates my nerves. But mostly, as woman i am offended at how spineless she is. She has no voice, original opinions, boundaries. She allows Nick to treat her like sh*t, she basically sets the tone that she comes second. Moving out couldve been a statement to Nick were she assertive about it. But she still goes out on giggly awkward dates, laughs at all his jokes, kisses his a*s and doesnt flat out address the issue or take a firm stance. This is the first month of marriage and hes an a-hole to her. ImAgine 2 years down the line. She is an insecure mess!!! I want to shake her!!!