Next Season

What would revive this show for next season? This one had to be the worst and most boring yet and I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to nix it. But in the event that it comes back, what would make it more (possibly) interesting?

Hubby and I said the couples should be gay/lesbian. I also think they should have a few interracial couples.


one Mormon couple. 1 guy 2 wifes. PERFECT season.


That would make things interesting for sure! Much more drama, though not too much serious matchmaking.


Put 50 singles in a room (half men...half ladies) give them ONE cocktail and give them one hour to pair up. They can either sign the dotted line (marriage license) and commence with filming or not. Then they'd have many more couples to follow and many more experiences for us to witness. Surely about ten couples could come out of that situation. OR run it like a commune (loosely run...not loose people) ...they all live together for ten days to a month with some perk (a small starter home perhaps) as the carrot dangling for those who marry and make it for six months. Just floating ideas. I wrote a longer idea a season or two ago that some ppl liked but can't recall exactly what I said.

I have stated before: why didn't the experts send them on some of those team building exercises? Or give them the amount of counseling that they gave to Jamie and Doug in an earlier season. Alas because I think that even they are no longer invested in this social experiment.


I could actually see that working. You bring up a good point about the experts no longer being invested. This is the new experts' first season, but they did a lousy job. I almost think it could have been better with the original bunch! Things were just a lot more realistic with Jamie and Doug.


They're already filming the next season in Chicago.

To be fair, there already are 2 interracial couples this season (Sonia/Nick, Lillian/Tom) and there have been a lot in the past few seasons (Neil/Sam, all of season 2).

I think gay and lesbian couples would be interesting, although I think the idea was nixed because the producers thought that potential partners might meet each other at the casting sessions.

It might be interesting if they cast older people or people who are more ordinary looking.

They could also have the couples get together at a dinner party and get to know each other, like they do on the Australian version of the show.


Older couples could work. Maybe 50+. I could actually see them working out better because of their maturity levels.


blueljazz...Why do you think Nick & Sonia, Neil & Sam, and Lillian & Tom are interracial? Their ethnic backgrounds, and the fact that they weren't all born in the US does not make the couples interracial.


I think that Nick & Sonia and Lillian & Tom are interracial because the women are Latinas and the men are white. I have friends who are Latina and are married to white men and they define themselves as being in interracial relationships. But I guess Latino/Hispanic is considered an ethnicity rather than a race so it would depend on if the women identify as white.

For Neil & Sam, he is half-white, half-Indian and she is half-white, half-Latino.



Neil is half Asian.


Hispanic is not a race, so those are not really interracial. Both Sonia and Lilly are white hispanic, aren't they?

What were Neil and Sam, race wise? I only saw 1st and 4th season?


citizenofdis....Many people do not understand the difference between race, nationality, and ethnicity.


Not sure if Sonia and Lilly would identify as white hispanic. At one point, Sonia called Nick "whitey" which would imply that she doesn't consider herself white.


I think they need to go back to matching because they think a couple will work out. They need to stop casting for drama. All three couples this season were matched for drama potential. But the end result has been boring.


Agree! Unfortunately, now that the cat is out of the bag with the show's premise, I think most people who end up on the show are in it for the money and/or publicity. I still think the first season was the best, followed by the second. At that point, it still hadn't caught on. This season's matchmaking has definitely been the worst.


The money can't be that great if Jamie and Doug are having to move in with his parents.


I wondered what happened there!! Last we saw them they had moved into a condo/townhouse in Sayerville, NJ and we're making their happy home. Then we heard that Jamie is pregnant with their first child.... I wonder if that is because without her income as a RN they don't have the dosh to support themselves and the new baby. I'm sure she wants to take maternity leave (minimum or longer). Could they have moved in with Doug's parents so they could provide baby care/help? With Obamacare I'd assume (gosh...dangerous word there) that they would have insurance to cover the birth etc. If you found this news on a site would you mind providing me a clickable link? It kind of hit me out of left field. The trouble with ppl who go on these shows and live the reality star life is that when they have that good income from filming...the tend to live a swankier lifestyle. When the money goes (and they haven't planned for the future saving) they don't have anything to live off of and they're 'spoiled' and still wanting of the finer things. Gee. I liked them. Doofy but cute.


Unless she has become pregnant again, she miscarried the pregnancy that was announced over the summer.I think it was foolish for her to give up her steady income for the unstable income of the rare entertainment jobs she has gotten. Jamie and Doug are really inconsistent. They were supposedly looking for a house but then just a couple of weeks ago they said in an interview that they were broke and moving in with his parents.


Thank you for the update. That is sad news. I remember how Jamie had to go through HIS pre-baby bucket list in order for him to be even willing to try. I'm sure she was devastated.


She didn't miscarry, she aborted it.


What would revive this show for next season?

Require all the participants to be naked at all times. "Married at First Naked Sight".


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


I hope it comes back because I think marriage should be promoted and celebrated.
But they need to find better strategies for matching people.

I don't think the answer to reviving the show is social stunting and appealing to alternative couples. Rather, they need men and women who are well-matched, with great personalities...being nice to look at never hurts either. I agree with including some older couples. (40s, 50s, even beyond that).

They need to counsel couples more before they meet and really get them prepared for marriage. Clearly, these people aren't married for a reason, so give them mechanisms to overcome their deficiencies.

They should NOT cast people who are immature and lack good relationship skills-- unless they plan to groom them extensively.

"I thought you were class,like a high note you hit once in a lifetime."- Young Man With a Horn(1950)


I think that they should have some non professional people in the mix as far as deciding who makes the final cut and other decisions. To me, the "professionals" are the most boring part of the show!


Cut the air time down. It feels to me like they take a good 30 minutes of story and blow it up to an hour and a half. They could dispense with the mini-cliffhangers, trying to create suspense about five times in every episode. And the editing that tries to fool the viewer into thinking something more dramatic is going to happen--that could go.

I probably won't watch the next season, because they drag everything out so much.
