Lucy + 10K

I think they will pair up Lucy with 10K.
She is a zybrid, he is a blend. At the rate she is growing, she will be a teen soon. So when she arrives at Spokane, maybe 10K will finally hook up with someone.

If they have kids, just imagine, there will be a new world order!

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


Fun idea, but I doubt it, seeing as Lucy looked a bit monstrous, much moreso than Murphy, and she wasn't being raised by real parents, so I don't even think she'd know how to speak English or act like a normal person, she'd be a bit wild.
But Murphy might mentally persuade 10K to get with Lucy, that could be an interesting twist.

Overall though, I don't think it's really part of the endgame in this show for 10K to lose his virginity, there are much bigger plot-lines going on.


LOL, nope it's not 10K's virginity I'm interested in. I'm thinking that Lucy's existence has been part of the show since season one, and 10K is the youngest of the group. She is growing at a fast rate, so them meeting at a similar age would be interesting. And I'm thinking that the reason 10K never got to hook up with any one was because he was ment for Lucy from the beginning.

She does speak englinsh, as we saw in 215, but she probably haven't had much social interaction with other humans. I don't see Murphy able to persuade her doing anything, considering she was born with the gift she can probabaly "overright" his mind control. Maybe ever free some people. (Especially since she has his DNA so whatever bitemark she could ba able to tap in to and control.)
If she has her dads personality, she will treat people like puppets. If she has her moms personality, she will have an active libido and love for pie! 🍰

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


They could be the new Adam and Eve

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe
