Season Finale (Spoilers)
They cliffhangered us! But at least we're getting more.
I thought the revelation that Murphy actually died years ago when he was originally bitten was really good. (Always wished Walking Dead had done that with Rick when he woke up in the hospital. I always thought he flatlined first.)
Making 10K be like Murphy was good.
The zombie helping to find Lucy was a great looking homage to Texas Chainsaw Massacre, he looked so much like the guy with the steel plate in his head, especially with the glasses on.
The rest of the finale was kind of lackluster. We did learn the Zona people are losing their immunity.
Lucy aging so much only semi works. I think they should have left her a bit younger. She really needed to bite The Man. I hope she does next season.
Murphy and Warren shot. The bullet had his blood on it. Warren may become a Blend.
Who knows where Citizen Z is, but I'm sure he'll turn up.
Somehow, I expected more from this finale. More action or something. I hope next season will be good. We'll finally get inside Zona and see what's going on there.