Well well well?

Where to start? I just finished watching the film so it's still quite fresh in my memory. First thing is I don't how to feel about the ending! What even happened to Emma? Nobody knows. They want us to think or recreate the ending ourself which is not a bad thing but on the other hand viewers would probably would want to know what happened to her or even who the hacker was but we don't find out a thing. Where was Michael? Or the friend that was suppose to stay with her? I assume the stalker killed them. The problem is that there are so many of these types of films being released atm i.e unfriended, the den, alone with her and many more. You can only do so many films in which they all look alike.


gangster, romance, westerns, all are the same also so no big deal if this movie is similar to others to

anyway, it was actually pretty suspenseful and i liked it


Just rented it myself tonight.... SUCKED
