It's an okay movie
I don't know why people hate this movie that much. It's not a brilliant movie but i like it. And yeah it's more like phsychological thriller than horror movie.
Some people said that they hate the pov of the camera and how it's boring to watched her daily routine but this movie was try to make us watched her from the pov of the stalker. On some scene i caught my self thinking as the stalker and guessing how his feel. So yeah i have no problem with that.
For the ending, i get it that some people is frustated because we dont know the killer, we don't know what happen to her, what happen to her current boyfriend, what is alex look like, where is his girlfriend, etc. Too many unanswered question makes it annoying. Should have been one or two.
What i didn't like on this movie:
* The dancing with the gf scene
* That moment when the cat died (i just hate it when there's animal died in movie)
* That awkward feels when she looks so afraid but didnt really looking for appropriate help (this forgivable because she just moved to newyork and she did called the police)
Oh one more thing! I think the stalker is her teacher/prof, idk why, but i think it's because the killer kinda look like him and he's kinda creepy for me.
Sorry for the broken english, it's not my mother language.