So why (spoilers)

Why did they make the ratter look like Michael? It didn't look like him when he was tying her up but when he closed the laptop, the first thing I thought was "Omg its Michael" ... cause it looked like that actor. So i re-winded and paused it. Still looked like him. But I don't think it's supposed to be him......just a random guy. Am I the only one thinking it looked like Michael when he looked into the laptop??


Yup I thought that also. It's kinda silly for that storyline to either make it just a random attacker, since we saw targeted stuff to make it look like her ex her just happened to have called, had an argument then things escalated shortly after.

Maybe Alex looks like Michael, I ended up missing bits from getting bored so I got ready to head out and didn't bother pausing, was it mentioned at all Michael might've looked like Alex, as in Emma has a type she goes for (guys who look similar)

Not enough suspects hinted at that would've made a "let us interpret who we thought was the attacker"storyline to fit. Oh well, made the movie worse for that.
