Star Wars Fans 2015: ZOMG!!!! The REAL Star Wars is back!!!! THIS movie recaptures the Star Wars of my childhood!!! Abrams stuff is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the prequels!!! For the time in OVER a decade, I am EXCITED for the future of Star Wars. Disney has SAVED Star Wars!!!
Star Wars Fans 2018: ZOMG!!!! THIS stuff they're churning out AIN'T Star Wars!!!! The new movies rape the Star Wars of my childhood!!! Rian Johnson makes me wish we had George Lucas back!!! Even the prequels were better than this stuff!!! I MOURN for the future of Star Wars with Kathleen Kennedy in charge. Disney has DESTROYED Star Wars!!!
I'm old enough to remember when the prequels came out. Same song and dance.
They spent the summer of '99 having orgasms over The Phantom Menace and swearing up and down that it was the MUST SEE MOVIE OF THE YEAR and would blow me away. Star Wars fanboys kept gushing about how badass Darth Maul was, and how the Pod Race scene was "soooooooo epic!!!"
Fast forward three years later, they all said The Phantom Menace was a pile of garbage, "not the REAL Star Wars", and how George Lucas had "destroyed" Star Wars with his crappy prequels.
That's because Attack of the Clones was so bad, it compounded the disappointment of TPM exactly how TLJ is so bad it now compounds TFA's flaws. Star Wars movies are relative to eachother.
Loud Star Wars fans are never happy. No movies, boo. Special edition movies, boo. Prequels, boo. Sequels, boo. Spin offs, boo. I think it’s time they all realised they aren’t Star Wars fans anymore, and just movies on. There’s got to be more to life than endlessly moaning again and again on the internet because movie makers didn’t make what they wanted.
A great movie called Upgrade came out a week after this Solo dreck but everybody was too busy bitching for or against this forgettable piece of nothing and they missed it.
Yeah but you need to remember that it's only the Star Wars fans that don't like the new Star Wars films that are like that. The Star Wars fans that like Disney Star Wars are all enlightened individuals drowning in pussy.
>>>So Star Wars fans are schizophrenic, basement dwelling, incel, racist, sexist, manbabies, white privilidged males stuck in the past?<<<
Well, of all those things, I only alleged the first.
Both the prequel trilogy and the sequel trilogy's debuts are fresh in my mind. Star Wars fanboys had orgasms over both and swore up and down that they were the MUST SEE MOVIE OF THE YEAR and I HAVE to see it for myself on the big screen so I can experience just how awesome it is because of NO SPOILERS!!! (I declined both offers and waited for it to come out on video)
When Star Wars fanboys started pulling this again in 2015, I noted how they had all done a 180o degree about-face on the prequels. They swore up and down that "THIS time is different" because "I was only a kid when the prequels came out, so to a 10 year old, its great" or "I was blinded by nostalgia at the time, I hadn't seen a Star Wars movie in nearly two decades, so I was DESPERATE for ANYTHING Star Wars related" Star Wars fans INSISTED that they legit thought that TFA "brought back the REAL Star Wars', was the BEST Star Wars film since "Empire Strikes Back" and "for the first time in over a decade, has made me EXCITED again for Star Wars".
Non-Trekkie in 2013: What did you think of the NEW Star Trek movie, Star Trek Into Darkness
Trekkie in 2013: Meh. It was a Wrath of Khan wannabe.
Non-Trekkie in 2018: What did you think of the PREVIOUS Star Trek movie, Star Trek Into Darkness
Trekkie in 2018: Meh. It was a Wrath of Khan wannabe.
Non-Trekkie in 2016: What did you think of the NEW Star Trek movie, Star Trek Beyond?
Trekkie in 2016: Pretty good! Loved Jaylah! Plot is pretty stale though.
Non-Trekkie in 2018: What did you think of the MOST RECENT Star Trek movie, Star Trek Beyond?
Trekkie in 2018: Pretty good! Loved Jaylah! Plot is pretty stale though.
I wasn't calling you out personally for calling them all those names. It just seems to be acceptable for people like yourself to call Star Wars fans all the names they want but you then turn round and chastise SW's fans for doing the same. Pot, kettle, black.
Also, you seem to have a hard time accepting that people are different. We're not clones that come off a production line. You only hear about the bad ones (SW's fans) because the media is pumping that stuff into every copy pasted article so people read their trash.
I think people are naturally hyped for the newest Star Wars and as the hype dies down, people are kore likely to see the flaws in these films. Nostalgia also plays a role. Star Wars is such an epic franchise, I wonder if any sequels or prequels have done them justice.
Schizophrenia has nothing to to with the broad reception history of art and entertainment. You should really stop using words and clinical terms figuratively or literally you do not understand.