Thos money sucking bastards from Disney! Darth Maul was cut in half by Obi Wan at Episode 1-. There is no (NO!) way beside greed for more money that he is still alive! That is even way more hate for moviegoers then TLJ!
They arent canon at all. Star Wars Rebels is Disney trash too. There is no way at all that Darth Maul survied Episode 1. If you change that, then you are simply a money whore. Thats what I stated about Disney. I hope that this company dies as soon as possible. They are nothing else then a curse for the movie industry in the meantime.
Rebels isnt canon. Its Disney trash. The era is gone when we were thoughtful about the money whores from Disney. Disneys Star Wars died with TLJ. And they included Darth Maul in Rebels only cause they realized that the fans wanted more of Darth Maul. So again .... money whore reasoning and no reason within the canon.
Rebels is canon, dude. It may not be a good cartoon, but it is considered canon with the Disney films. That's just the way it is, like it or not. It's official. Rogue One already had a character that previously appeared on those shows and Maul's appearance also shows this.
Canon is Canon. Doesnt matter what some greedy company states. With TLJ Disney lost any right to state anything about Star Wars canon. Rebels is a Disney production therefor its not canon.
They want to prepare us for the fact that Luke, Han, Snoke, and Mace Windu will all be back in Episode 9. They'll be joining forces against Jabba the Hutt.
Here's one guy who survived with as much as Maul has, and he was born in 1911, without the benefit of modern technology:
Yes but Maul also has the benefit of living in a universe with medical technology far superior to our own. Any damaged abdominal organs could be cloned or replaced with artificial versions.
Maul also has servant droids, as shown with his flying spy drones. He could feasibly have an emergency medical drone that responds to a distress call and rescues him within moments.
Yes, thats why everyone killed with a lasersword during the prequels was instantly reanimated. Wait ..... nope, they werent. Not anyone of them at all. And noone of them were even being parted in two pieces at their whips!
So no, there is no way in any universe that he survied. Just in the reality of money whores he survived. And thats a spit in the face of Star Wars fans and other moviegoers!
Grievous survives thanks to machines and he's just a brain, heart, lungs and eyes. Him, Maul, Vader... bad guys with artificial survival are just a staple of the franchise.
Boba Fett was the first fan service survival, escaping from the sarlaac, and that was long before Disney.
I was thinking the same thing. Vader had both legs severed and was left for dead in a pool of lava, yet he came back at full strength and then some. I'm pretty sure saving Darth Maul wasn't a chore for the medics of the day.
I see. So lets revive Obi Wan then (his hit with the lightsaber is almost no damaged at all compared with the ones at Darth Maul). So lets revive Yoda. etc. .
Thats stupid! Darth Maul is dead and only cause of fanatic glory hunters like you Disney is able to make such increidble stupd and impossible moves! Thanks a lot!
Darth Maul was seperated and fallen many hundred meters. At the bottom of that pit there is nothing left of him!
Stiop defending braindead trash like that. All you are doing is allow it that idiotic actions like these are taken which only destroys movies for sane moviegoers!
Vaders organs werestill intact. He got several serious burns of thrid degree indeed. But thats something you could explain with future medicine. But Darth Maul was cut in half. Most of his organs were speerated during that process. And he fallen into a pit for a few hundred meters!!!
No, there is no (NO!) possibility that he survived. Neither has anyone else which was hit that way by a lightsaber! This is just stupid and greedy Disney trash shoveled into the throads of dumb glory hunters.