MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Wanted to See it Tonight But Sold Out??

Wanted to See it Tonight But Sold Out??

I've heard a lot of good and a lot of bad things about the film, and hoped to see it tonight, but the 7:30 showing, on a Tuesday of all nights, only had 2 or 3 seats left, in the very front row, and no two seats side by side, so we didn't end up seeing it.

I'd heard it wasn't doing well, and I know one theater is not indicative of anything, but it came as a shock. I was able to get dope seats for Deadpool 2 on the Friday it opened just by walking up and using MoviePass. The theater I went to tonight doesn't accept MoviePass, which I thought would make it that much easier to score seats, but no dice.

I'll try again another night.


Tuesday is discount day at most theaters, half price all day. Wednesdays are usually empty for theaters


Mickey Mouse is filling rows in random theaters with manikins to make it appear that shows are sold out. The heads may move and eyes blink, but that is tech Disney developed 50 years ago.


He's a dumb mouse if he's doing that. I'd've bought two tickets to see his movie tonight if he hadn't'a.
