I don't know why the movie is receiving negative criticism. I liked every moment of it and can hardly wait for a sequel.
shareI don't know why the movie is receiving negative criticism. I liked every moment of it and can hardly wait for a sequel.
What will be will be!!!
shareIt was God?
shareI'd love a sequel, too, but with box office like THIS...that ain't gonna happen.
shareI'd love a sequel, too, but with box office like THIS...that ain't gonna happen.
queen sits at his computer laughing "evilly" thinking he's cleverly reverse trolling....
the rest of his simply do a "face Palm" at Queens stunningly awful reverse trolling Only queen could troll on SW and SOLO for 7 months, and think the rest of us are dumbest to believe "Oh ya, I loved it, Darn it though, its just too bad it Flopped and wont get a sequel, Man I'm just so upset by this news"
judging reverse trolling on a scale from 1 to 10.....I give you a 1 queen....and thats not an exaggeration, I'm not sure I've been worse reverse trolling before, 1 truly is the only grade I can give
As is evident from all of my posts...I am a Star Wars FAN!
shareI thought it was great. Box office schmox office, this movie made a ton of money, just not when compared to other Star Wars movies. I'd see another about this young Han and Chewy, and especially want more of Glover's Lando. I absolutely hated Rogue One so I didn't expect much, but was very pleased.
shareIt's the internet OP.