The guy at the end (Spoiler)

Sooooo....Either that was Star Wars Rebels era Darth Maul...Which would only make sense to people who had watched the cartoon...Everybody else thinks he's dead.
OR it was episode 1 era Darth Maul, which would make episode 4 Han about 70 years old...




He's making fun of your ignorance.


He means they need their info to be spoon fed to them Michigan j.😉👍
As for his insight...I think it was confusing for some. I have not watched rebels...but felt sure I got the jist of his appearance. Googled a few things and was up to speed👍



Gotcha👍 didn't know if his knowledge. Makes least your comments...his are even more baffling😁


Michigan, he admitted to me yesterday that he was mentally retarded so please be patient.



Good one Sammy




Definitely rebels maul , apparently you can see his robot legs if you look carefully although I missed it. He was played by ray park again but had a different voice actor.


Ohhhh! But everyone here is wrong. Darth Maul was not resuscitated on Rebels. He was resuscitated on The Clone Wars cartoons which are CANON, you like it or not. So, there is no need to know Rebels but TCW.

However, this movie is set during or maybe a few year before the events of Rebels, since Maul survived the end of the Clone Wars and the beginning of the Empire.


Wellllllll.....I ask this BECAUSE I would think it was weird of them to include something that major when over half the audience wouldn't understand why he was alive AND I wouldn't put it past them to completely disregard and fuck up the time line....
