I think we're basically saying the same thing.
Don't confuse Godawful writing with a liberal agenda. The writing in Last Jedi was garbage and I saw a lot of stereotyping and man-bashing. None of the female characters had any substance. When Gwendoline Christie (Phasma) was basically asked what makes her character special, her reply was the costume. Kennedy is playing lip service to feminism and liberalism. Even without the agenda, these movies would be horrible because Kennedy has no respect for Star Wars, its' fanbase nor has any real talent.
Leia was not an ordinary damsel in distress who needed rescuing from a male which was common in films when I was a kid. She quickly grabbed a blaster and saved everyone. She was a strong, well-written heroine created by Lucas. There are also many other good female characters throughout the SW universe like Padme, Mon Mothma, Asoka, Asajj Ventress, Mara Jade...
"I don't remember any... non white characters being there because of their race,"
I'll have to disagree right here. In 1977, there were numerous complaints about SW not having any black characters. Subsequently, Billy Dee Williams was announced for the sequel. Again, Lando is a well-written character. I also noticed much more diversity in the prequels. The point is that Lucas was more subtle about it and the story and characters always came first. There are political history lessons and warnings in Lucas movies which I won't get into, but they're also very subtle.