Deadline: could possibly be coming in at 80 million for the 3-day
Whoa...even worse than I had predicted.
shareWhoa...even worse than I had predicted.
shareI wrote this in another reply....but just wanted to post it here too--
Solo is now tracking for a 80 to 90 Million dollar 3 day weekend and 105 to 115 M 4 day weekend....
There is nothing else to say other than this is BAD!
this is a complete disappointment, and Its Now safe to say the Star Wars franchise is in Trouble, and by trouble I mean there is clearly a Boycott or Large portion of the audience that are OUT with SW films...
This is nearly Identical to Justice League....where SOLO just came in way below any reasonable estimates, and Its now clear Audiences are rejecting the product like like Audiences did with The DCEU ...
queen I have for 6 month said you were wrong about the SW franchise being in trouble(although You were clearly just trolling) But as of now....I'm with You...
This is bad...this is a DCEU level type problem...
Disney now has to do some serious THINKING...
this is more than a small minority, this is more than a small minority not liking TLJ...
to have RESULTS like takes more than just 1 film...results like this suggest this has been Building...
The Hate for Kennedy is real, The Hatred for The Last Jedi Is Much worse than we thought...
Rian Johnson creating a New Trilogy is a complete disaster now...Disney has to pull that cord tomorrow
this is equivalent to Bringing back Snyder after BvS
with results like this for SOLO...its now undeniable that The Audiences were split on TLJ Maybe to the extent Audiences were spilt on BvS(only TLJs good reviews covered it up)....
Rian Johnson creating and directing a SW film now is a DEATH SENTENCE...
It truly may even be time to consider letting Kennedy go....With results like this, YOU HAVE TO Stop the bleeding, You have to give HOPE...
that is why Justice League was doomed, there was no HOPE after BvS, there was no HOPE for anything better with Snyder directing JL...
right now its clear, SW fans and even the general Public does not like what is happening in These New SW films, thats 100% on Kennedy.....
I'm not sure how HYPE and HOPE returns With Kennedy there!
I think Now, were looking at drastic DROPS for Episode 9....
this is a MESSAGE....this Is Alarming....This is every bit as Bad as The DCEU....
Disney can NOT GO FORWARD Monday as they've been going forward the last 3 years....They have to have a "Come to Jesus" moment....and realize They have DAMAGED the SW brand and Fans and Audiences are rejecting it...
Rian Johnson and Kennedy have to go...
those 2 moves overnight would get the ball moving in a good direction...
YOU WERE RIGHT queen(I'm not entirely sure you actually believed anything you were saying, I still think you were trolling) but none the less, Your trolling was right...
The Hate for The Last Jedi was more than previous thought....
and The SW franchise is in Trouble, With Drastic Declines coming!
And you can't even give me credit.
I was right but I didn't "mean it"?
Pathetic, bill, even for you.
Now when it maxes out at 500 million WW how will you explain how my prediction was right when you were saying it was "awful and impossible" all along? Oh...I know...I didn't really "believe it".
I am a Star Wars fan and I've loved the Disney Star Wars films but the way TLJ. had poor legs was a big warning sign along with the online hate for Disney Star Wars has been off the charts. It's unfortunate but it is reality.
Now when it maxes out at 500 million WW how will you explain how my prediction was right when you were saying it was "awful and impossible" all along? Oh...I know...I didn't really "believe it".
no need to explain it..I was wrong and you were right....
Look you were trolling, You were intentionally setting the bar low...You did the same thing with The Last Jedi...You predicted 150 Million Opening Weekend and claimed it would struggle to make Rogue One Numbers...
this is what you do, You through out extremely low numbers for SW films, I'm not entirely sure if you actually believe them, as you were WAY WRONG With both Rogue One and TLJ, but here your numbers might actually be close...
Heres what I give you FULL credit for...You were DEAD ON about the Hatred and frustration from fans and audiences...I was DEAD WRONG, The facts all pointed to The Majority, actually The Overwhelming Majority loving the 3 SW films and only a small minority Hating them...
but You claimed all along it was more than a small minority, that these 3 SW films Angered alot of people....YOU 1000% NAILED it
you won here, now you ready for your LOSE...
DP2 straight DIED!
Its having A HISTORIC 67% 3 day drop and around 60% 4 day drop....
theres no way around it...I WAS RIGHT...SOLO is straight up KILLING DP2 and costing it MILLIONS...
Hell its even time to consider, DP2 doesnt have good WOM....yes the reviews are good, but you dont have drops like this if WOM is good...
I literally had to look 3 times to make sure I was reading the Drops right...STUNNED...
300 Million domestically is DEAD now for DP2...a total gross between 625 and 675 Million is likely now...
just as I said it was "Impossible and Awful" that Solo could make 500 Million WW....You were just as Certain DP2 wouldnt have any declines, In the very first post of mine I predicted a 700 to 750 M WW gross for DP2 and You responded like that was Crazy and Impossible...
point being queen, as Bad as I missed on SOLO....thats how bad you missed on DP2...
lol so dont take to much joy in my SOLO defeat, Because your right there with in the same boat from your DP2 Defeat!
this one was a DRAW...we both lost and we both Won....
The Hate for Kennedy is real
Rian Johnson creating a New Trilogy is a complete disaster now...Disney has to pull that cord tomorrow
Rian Johnson creating and directing a SW film now is a DEATH SENTENCE
It truly may even be time to consider letting Kennedy go
I'm not sure how HYPE and HOPE returns With Kennedy there!
Rian Johnson and Kennedy have to go...
Its down to quality control and alienating the fans. They thought Star Wars was bigger than its fans and they could easily replace them.
They were wrong. Its all about the fans.
Say what you want about J.J. but all of the run up to TFA he was trying to appease the fans, showing us lots of practical stuff and real sets rather than green screen, he knew how to talk our talk. And he delivered something we knew, familiar, too familiar for some but to me it had that Star Wars magic, every film after that in my opinion has been average at best apart from the CGI.
KK and her band of merry cucks are going out their way to troll the fans and use the Ghostbusters marketing model.
She keeps employing people not up to the job to write or direct a Star Wars film and then calls for massive reshoots at the end. Zero quality control anywhere.
Denis Villeneuve is set to direct a new Dune movie.
She should have been going out of her way to get that guy to do a serious Star Wars set of films with Roger Deakins as a DP.
But no, its shoot for the lowest common denominator with low brow jokes and bland films that are either offensive to the fans or just plain meh.
I disagree. Villeneuve is one of the best right now, but I don't see him in a pop-corn franchise, unless you wanna make Star Wars a more serious and adult scifi franchise, not sure that would be a good idea.
shareGreat news - just don't give in and buy tickets, now. Show these bastards we're not going to take their shit... that they can't treat us like trash without consequences. They think everyone will just buy tickets because it's Star Wars, hopefully they will realize now that that's not the case. We'll see...
shareHopefully that will work cause this is bottom of the barrel for anything Star Wars. I've never seen a film of there's be this haphazardly made. Doesn't deserve a penny and glad it's bombing.
Have a short review of this one here if anyone is interested-
Wait until they see how much episode 9 makes without Luke, Han, or Leia.
shareWait until they see how much episode 9 makes without Luke, Han, or Leia.
If Disney doesnt Make Major changes, and I mean firing Kennedy and Johnson....SW9 is going to be a Disaster...Keep in mind I said yesterday that IMO SW9 was guaranteed to at least make 1 Billion...
what is happening with SOLO simply can not be overlooked and can not be over stated....Literally Yesterday I'm sure everyone at Disney thought the SW franchise was in great shape(Just Like Me and Others), I'm sure they thought the hate was a small minority(The facts pointed to that)....
BUT fast forward 24 hours....Reality just hit everyone in the face....SW franchise is in Trouble....
You dont have drops like this with 1 film....It takes several bad to awful film for Your audiences to abandon you like this, The first 3 SW films at least based on the facts, showed the overwhelming Majority loved them...
but what is happening with SOLO completely suggests otherwise, For Solo to have drops like this, it suggests there is A HUGE portion of the audience that are unhappy With all the films and now seem to just be OUT!
If Disney doesnt fire Kennedy and Johnson and Immediately give Fans HOPE and a reason to look forward to SW9.....SW9 may seriously ONLY make 600 or 700 Million...
This is about Getting AUDIENCES BACK now....
Bringing back Kennedy and Johnson is the equivalent to WB bringing Snyder back to direct JL after BvS ....Theres no hope, JL was DOOMED Audiences WERE OUT....
Kennedy and Johnson have to go and go soon, Disney has to start giving Fans a reason to be excited....Kennedy and Johnson are toxic, there is DEEP hatred for them, Fans Literally HATE them for what they've done to the SW franchise...
Right on! Great post. : )