TK421: A Star Wars Story
A riveting tale covering TK421! Hey, stardudes and stargals! Have you ever wondered just WHY TK421 wasn't at his post? Well, you're in luck! We're going to give you stardudes and stardudettes the answer in his VERY OWN MOVIE!!!
Follow TK421 in his harrowing journey! Watch the scenes of his poor wife and family tug at your heartstrings! Vader pays like sh!t and TK can't provide! ZOMGZ!!!
Follow TK421 as he assembles a team! Zentar, the pansexual black nerf-herder! Quikellen, the kung-fu Asian bounty hunter sidekick with a heart of gold and cliched computer skills, Yon Marfa, Hispanic scrapper with a sad story! And last, but certainly not least: Roop Wonwey, the olive-skinned female sidekick with an ambiguous ethnicity who outshines TK421 in every scene, slaps his hand away whenever he tries to help and steals every scene they're in! Watch Roop as she can fly a ship, use a lightsaber, use the force despite not being force-sensitive, will look far dirtier and more plain-looking than the rest of the cast to make some sort of PC point that women will not be objectified as sex objects--oh, and Darth Vader will, of course, cameo! Roop will beat Vader in a lightsaber battle and narrowly saves TK421 from death! Despite being TK421's movie, Roop Wonwey will come out the victor and the film will end with TK421 finally removing his helmet, revealing himself to be an insecure pansexual who can't decide if he'd rather be with Roop or the dashing Zentar! Sequel, perhaps?
TK421: A Star Wars Story, coming soon!