Opening night tomorrow. 6pm session not even 50% booked
This is a Star Wars movie right?
shareI've noticed that there haven't been any reports the last couple of weeks about any presale records being broken, etc etc.
shareLike I mentioned in another thread, normally a SW premier in my city is booked out and shown in multiple cinemas.
Only shown in one this time, and it was hardly full.
No dress-ups etc, though that's less embarrassing to see, it is strange that the hardcore aren't behind this film.
Plus it hardly seemed like it was a film in the SWU.
Presales bad, better hope for walkups.
True fans boycotting.
I watched it and I sometimes even forgot I was watching a Star Wars movie. Its that bland.
There is a massive boycott on. Fans are done being crapped on by Kathleen Kennedy.
The people who are boycotting this film don't care about the gender/race of characters - only sjw types reduce people to such characteristics.
Disney Star Wars:
The scripts are horrible. Little to no character development. Constantly ripping-off the original trilogy like this one does. No original conceptual art. Too afraid to take risks. Mediocre to bad special effects. Mindless shallow plots. Lazy execution. You wrote "nothing groundbreaking". I expect to see groundbreaking in a Star Wars movie since Lucas pushed his films into new territory. Lacks the visual, historical, political, moral as well as philosophical and spiritual messages that Lucas' films had. Dumbed-down generic films. Offensively racist and sexist even though KK goal is the opposite. BTW, Lucas' movies were very "SJW", but he concentrated on good story-telling and characters which ended up being the main focus.
Lucas wasn't always successful, but he had the courage to take risks. Disney is just recycling his 40 year old films ad nauseam.
If Disney can't produce a quality film that's worthy of the Star Wars name, then they deserve to be boycotted. Stop supporting mediocrity.
It's not exactly crazy to want to avoid the forth film in a series that's so far seen 2 films be utter shite and one so-so. That's not a good strike rate. Your attitude seems to be - 'yeah, you hated the last one but if you don't go to the next one you won't know if it's any good'. But if everybody did that every film will have the same box office until the end of time. TFA pissed off a minority of fans, TLJ pissed off the majority and Solo is reaping what Disney has sowed. I do actually feel sorry for the makers of the film and it should be judged on its own merits but Kathleen Kennedy et al have burned through so much good will it's incredible.
And there's a reason why people have rose tinted glasses with Star Wars - it revolutionised cinema and is probably the most widely loved film in history. It was ground breaking in almost every respect.
C'mon now, don't be silly: This is the 4th Star Wars film made since Disney bought Lucas film and it shares far more than a production company; if people were calling for a boycott of Infinity War in protest of TLJ then you might have a point but they didn't did they? However you slice it/dice it people will judge you on your past performance and Disney shouldn't be surprised that their fan base is leaving them. If you open up a chain of restaurants and serve disgusting food don't be surprised if people start saying you should avoid the latest one...
And you're simply wrong regarding Star Wars - it doesn't matter if the Story was 'lifted' it was the way it was put together (there's only 12 notes in the scale - it's how you use them that determines the originality or not). The only reason why Star Wars feels so non groundbreaking to you is that it changed cinema forever - Star Wars is 'the Beatles' of Cinema, familiar aspects used in unfamiliar ways resulting in something unique and groundbreaking. There's a reason why Disney paid $4 Billion for a franchise and it's not to get their hands on 40 year old special effects.
And in what way are the new star wars movies for kids? Rogue One is the dirty dozen in space where everybody dies and TLJ seems to be some kind of nihilistic deconstruction of Star Wars... not exactly 'Cars' are they? There's a big difference between films children like and children's films...
It doesn't matter what he said - what matters is what it is; he also said 'it's like Poetry - it rhymes' and saying that doesn't make the prequels poetry. And I have to say: if it's for kids then what are you doing hanging out on these boards? Did you go to see the last few films? Did you do that because you're a child? Or just because you like hanging out with kids?
And it's the same company, the same story group, the same writer and crucially: the same person in charge. The only vote we have, the only one Disney will listen to is the vote we make with our wallets.
But saying this I don't really disagree with your main point: I felt that TFA was so shit I wouldn't see R1 in 1000 years but when it came out I liked the sound of it and so went to see it and enjoyed it. All I'm saying is it is not unreasonable for customers to begin to avoid a company that routinely puts out products they dislike, especially one that has begun to develop a sneering attitude towards them. For me that's not even a boycott. A boycott would be avoiding all Disney products to 'punish' them for their Star Wars films and I don't think anyone is suggesting that.
And lastly, the words 'Your opinion is not a fact', especially when stated on an internet forum that exists solely for the expression of opinions, are amongst the most redundant in the English language. I mean, did I ever say they weren't? What am I supposed to do, use the obnoxious IMHO every sentence?
"it’s about recapturing the magic of old serials..."
Not true. I saw Star Wars in the theater in 1977. Vietnam and Watergate had created a malaise in the U.S.. Americans were the bad guys and nobody could be trusted. Many films showed gray - no heroes. Lucas wanted to create heroes for a new generation in a movie about good vs. bad - no gray.
"not groundbreaking."
Not true. SFX, Dolby sound, CGI, CGI characters, digital film-making, first strong female lead.
Lucas raised the bar re: sci-fi movie quality. Disney is now trying to lower the bar by saying to accept their mediocre/bad films which can be made faster and easier than a quality film.
Lucas movies are filled with great artwork: music, costumes, props, sets, cinematography, fight choreography and original concepts.
There is thought behind the art and storylines like the Empire = Nazis; stormtroopers = skeletons; prequels theme of how does a democracy become a totalitarian state like democratic Germany becoming Nazi Germany; religious/spiritual themes about redemption and hope; small group being able to win over a large more powerful group (Vietcong vs U.S., Rebels vs Empire)
Star Wars was originally made for young adults, not young kids. Later, Lucas did try to appeal to young children with the Ewoks and Jarjar though.
All Disney SW films including Solo are basically recycling from Lucas 40 year old films and not even well. You like the Star Wars brand. Slap the SW label on any recycled crap and it's SW. What I always liked was the original art, messages and story-telling which are now missing.
Denial without any argument means you have none to present.
Your denials are contradicting your previous posts when you admit that the SFX was groundbreaking. You also admitted that Solo is not a good movie which means you settle for mediocrity. Those who boycott aren't willing to accept bad filmmaking like you do.
YOUR 7.5 RATING is a mediocre one. It's fine that you can enjoy mediocre films. Like the Nirvana song goes, you're easily amused. The rest of us aren't and have decided to sit this movie out.
Your reading comprehension must be low or your memory bad since my previous posts have explicitly pointed out that my dissatisfaction with the Disney SW films has to do with lack of quality in its character development and storytelling as well as creativity.
Your direct quote:
"...Nothing ground breaking, just a fun movie. A solid 7.5..."
If you really enjoyed it, you would've given it a 10 or even a 9 which is my point. You know Solo is a mediocre movie, but you're criticizing fans who want Star Wars to improve its quality. Stop expecting fans to lower their standards to meet yours.
If SW was always mediocre than there wouldn't be an issue. Disney purposely lowered the quality in order to rush films out for a quick cash grab.
"deal with it."
I have. Not only is Disney not receiving my money from the 2+ times I normally see a SW movie, buy a blue-ray and merchandise, but I've been able to talk several other people out of seeing it. I guess not all parents want to explain what a pansexual is to their kids.
"Star Wars isn’t yours"
But my money is. And Disney will be receiving a lot less of it from moviegoers for Solo. Hurrah!
"...or even a 9"
Can't you read?
"...just because I enjoyed it?"
I already stated that your standards are low so I doubt if much of what you watch rates a 9 or 10.
I guess you haven't heard about pansexual Lando yet.
Doesn't matter, the damage from John Kasdan trolling fans has been done and will have consequences financially.
shareCalm down dude. Even if he's pansexual does it change anything? He had such a minor role in the OT it wouldn't change a thing . If you don't like other people's sexuality that's your problem
shareMe and a lot of fans don't like it and it's Disney and Kathleen Kennedy's problem now.
I saw the movie last night and it was half decent. That's about it. I don't think the boycott brigade would be hurting themselves by missing this movie. Better ways to spend your money.
If you are honestly comparing those 2 scenarios, then you are totally ignorant of the details of each. They are not the same. Maybe educate yourself on why fans are so upset, or simply stop plugging your ears when its explained to you. And keep shilling for this movie all over the forum though - great stuff.
An analogy doesn't work if you're comparing two different scenarios with entirely different components and players, jackass.
shareAlready opened in France on Wednesday. Paris one day movie ticket sales was the #1 most popular movie. But, it's a far cry from other Star Wars movies:
Solo - 2,372
Rogue One - 6478
The Last Jedi - 13,190
The Force Awakens - 16,415
Update China:
China Midnight openings:
Rogue One 3.7M
Last Jedi 3.5M
Solo 0.75M = $120,000 dollars
They expect total 10 million dollars total in China. A flop!
TFA made $124m; Last jedi $42.6m