MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Solo Memorial Weekend Box Office Pool - ...

Solo Memorial Weekend Box Office Pool - WINNER ANNOUNCED

No money prize, but you get bragging rights if you come closest to the correct box office figure reported on Tuesday, May 29th.

Box office estimates for Memorial Weekend, Thursday-Monday is $110-170 million.

I'll lowball with $85 million. Avengers and Deadpool 2 are stiff competition.

I think the box office figure is a wildcard because the researchers/critics are ignorant of the boycott and general dissatisfaction of the moviegoers with Disney Star Wars.

Personally, out of the 9 people on my job who saw Last Jedi, only 2 said they're going to see Solo.


This is a tough one. On one hand you have the 20 somethings that don't know much about the legacy of Han and then you have the 40 plus crowd that are die hard Star Wars fans.

I will play it safe with $115 million.

It can't be any worse than TLJ, can it?

WW BO will be $500m.


85m is too low
its 4 day holiday weekend here FSSM

125m 4 day holiday


95 million 3-day/110 million 4-day

Domestic total:225 million
WW:500 million


I am sure billb's predictions will range from 300m to 1.5b with regular updates as the numbers come in.


I am sure billb's predictions will range from 300m to 1.5b with regular updates as the numbers come in.


nope I always give 1 Origina prediction and never change it..

Your just confusing "Forecasts" for predictions

You give a Prediction at the start right before the movie opens...that is your prediction, It never changes , Its the one and only prediction....

from then on out, If you enjoy box office, You check the updated numbers every weekend, see how the film performed in New Markets, Did it over perform or come up short, did the film have Great hold, average holds or Bad holds, These are things you CAN NOT predict, These are things you can only see after they happen....once you get this data, again if you enjoy Box office, you can then try and Forecast where The films total is gonna to end up.....These are not new predictions....This is simply talking box office...

I think you understand this, It not a very hard concept to understand, I think your probably just trying to be mean and since I'm never wrong on my box office predictions, You literally have to make things up....

But here my Solo prediction

Opening Weekend-$115 to 130 Million(4 day weekend 140ish)

Total Domestic-$300 to 325 Million

Overseas-$400 to 430 Million

Total World Wide-$700 to 755Million...

I think SOLO will be a hit, I think Disney is Just Going to Break even from its theatrical Gross, But Will make somewhere between a 50 to 100 Million Profit on SOLO in the next few years from Home Revenue...

Given SOLOs almost unprecedented Troubled Production, Disney Will be more than Happy too break even and then Make A Profit from its home release....theres been very few films ever change directors more than 50% through principal Photography, even FEWER blockbusters, but almost all end up being disasters and LOSE HUGE Money....If Disney gets outta this and makes a profit, It Will be considered a Win and depending on how good Word of mouth is from Audiences and depending how good Holds are from week to week, If Disney feels this SOLO films is Liked by the Star Wars fans and has Good holds and scores to back it up....A Sequel would be almost guaranteed....if you make Money on this film and It has a good reception, Disney has every reason to go forward with a sequel....They know the sequel Wont have a 300 Million budget, They know A SOLO 2 will be made with a 170 to 200 Million budget, and If SOLO 2 makes 650 to 700 Million, Disney Will make A HUGE 150 Million+ Profit....

If SOLO makes 650 Million Or Less....Its a Disappointment and Will definitely lose Disney Money....

Justice League and SOLO are almost mirror images of each other, They both costs exactly the same amount of money to make, which is 300 Million + after Both films had to change directors and do massive reshoots, Both films easily have 100 Million + marketing campaigns.....

SOLO basically is in the same boat as JL.....It WAS 100% confirmed last month that WB lost 60 Million dollars of Justice League...So we know SOLO has to gross more than 658 Million dollars....

given that theaters get 50%....that means SOLO roughly needs to gross 750 Million to break even...

So theres my prediction....It will be my only prediction, But I may give many "forecasts" when the new results come in on the weekends....

Hey speaking of changing predictions and WIDE RANGES...remember when Justice League opened and from early friday until late Saturday Queen changed his Predictions from 150 Million 133 Million(guaranteed it would top Suicide Squad) 115 Million +..... to 100 Million +....and then queen disappearing from Sunday until Wednesday to avoid that embarrassment of JL opening to only 94 M....

lol do you find it odd that that Queen does the exact things you are accusing me of doing, Yet You seem to be great friend With queen....

conclusion: Trolls stick together....The bond of Hating MCU films keeps you guys strong....The Anger,Jealousy and Shame of watching MCU films dominate Brings you guys together in an unbreakable bond....

You dont care what depths you guys sink to, as long as You 2 are trying to hate on The MCU films YOU GUYS are together!


It looks like "Queen" may be right on the money and you? say you "overshot" would be an understatement.



It looks like "Queen" may be right on the money and you? say you "overshot" would be an understatement.


queen do you find even a little ODD that you MISS by a consisten 70 Million dollars.....

Yet try to make a big deal if someone else misses by 10 or 15 ?

like do you think before posting?

hypothetically speaking, lets say Solo makes between 100 to 110..I would have missed between 5 to 20 Million....

You MISS by literally by 5 times has much on every single prediction you make....

The reason why I make fun of you when you Fail on Predictions is because I almost always NAIL My Predictions.

If I constantly was wrong about My predictions then I could not make fun of someone else for being wrong about 1....

basically what you are doing is the equivalent of .....Making fun of someone for being FAT....Yet YOU are Twice has FAT....

its like your saying "Oh GOD Your so fat, I bet you've never had sex, I bet you still live at home with your parents"

Yet the exact things your saying about the person is truer for you..."YOU are FAT, Not only have you never had sex, but you've never kissed a girl and you not only live with your parents, you in the their basement"

I get it....You are waiting for me to be wrong, You've had 7 months of me being right and you being wrong...

But at this point, How can you claim I'm an idiot or make fun of me for missing 1 time, when you Missing DAILY by 5 times as much...

Anything you say to me to try and insult me for missing, applies to you times 200(Literally, Thats how much times you've been wrong in the last 6 months)

at this point, the only reasonable thing to do would be just to NOTE I was wrong...

just make a post,

Hey Bill, You missed on Solo...just letting you know, I'm keeping track...

Then if I miss a few more times you can start making fun of me...

but right now, YOU trying to make a big deal and start throwing out insults over 1 MiSS, Its very ODD considering YOU have been wrong HUNDREDS of times....

anything you try to say, Applies to you more....If you try to call me dumb, ok if I'm dumb for missing once, how Dumb are you for missing 200 times...

again, The key here is my history and your history.

I swear to god, I would not make fun of you if You even got 60% of you prediction right...The ONLY reason I make fun of you is because I truly believe you may be the worst predictor of box office I've ever seen, in 7 months you missed hundreds of times by astonishing amounts...

when I call you Dumb, when I make fun of you...It has meaning behind it and truth behind it...

If you had given 200 Predictions in the last 7 months and ONLY 10 had missed, It would be pointless to make fun of you...because Your history is so great, Your clearly very good at box office...

Queen, I'm like 200 and 0 at this cant point to 1 instance I was wrong....

and yet this is now the 3rd time in month that you are JUMPING the gun and call me dumb and trying to make a big deal that I might have slightly missed 1 time....

the first 2 didnt work...."RBO didnt make 250 M in China", we know DP2 had the exact Declines I predicted....Maybe this one will work out, Maybe I'll be off by 10 to 20 Million...

but do you really think its a good idea to "Call me fat" when your "200 times more fat than me"

anything you say, any insult you think of to make fun of me for SLIGHTLY missing on Solo, applies to you times 200...

you added "LOL" at the bottom, which mean you are laughing out loud because I might miss by 10 to 20 M....

does that mean you are "LOL-ING" literally 7 times as much at yourself for missing by 70 Million dollars of The Last Jedi's openiing weekend...

If you Laughing out loud at me, for Missing by 10 to 20 Million, are you near death laughing out loud at yourself for missing by 80 Million on Black Panthers OW...

You dont make fun of someone else for the exact thing YOU are guiltry of queen, You dont make fun of someone for being FAT...when YOU are the FATTEST Person On The planet....

It would take me being wrong on consistent basis and for YOU to START being right on A consistent basis for you to start making fun of me...

thats why I can make fun of you....Because Im always right and your always wrong...It would not make sense for me to make fun of you if we were equally wrong or if you were more right than me...

its like if Michael Jordan Missing a game winning shot, You dont start saying He awful and make fun of him...

You simply note he missed one...

queen If I start missing On a consistent basis or start missing even 20% as much as you....feel free to call me dumb and make fun of me for being wrong...

but until then, If I miss Once every few months....just NOTE "Hey you missed one"....

dont call me dumb and suggest I'm idoit for missing once when you have missed HUNDREDS of times by astonishing amounts



Solo is now tracking for a 80 to 90 Million dollar 3 day weekend and 105 to 115 M 4 day weekend....

There is nothing else to say other than this is BAD!

this is a complete disappointment, and Its Now safe to say the Star Wars franchise is in Trouble, and by trouble I mean there is clearly a Boycott or Large portion of the audience that are OUT with SW films...

This is nearly Identical to Justice League....where SOLO just came in way below any reasonable estimates, and Its now clear Audiences are rejecting the product like like Audiences did with The DCEU ...

queen I have for 6 month said you were wrong about the SW franchise being in trouble(although You were clearly just trolling) But as of now....I'm with You...

This is bad...this is a DCEU type level type problem...

Disney now has to do some serious THINKING...

this is more than a small minority, this is more than a small minority not liking TLJ...

to have RESULTS like takes more than just 1 film...results like this suggest this has been Building...

The Hate for Kennedy is real, The Hatred for The Last Jedi Is Much worse than we thought...

Rian Johnson creating a New Trilogy is a complete disaster now...Disney has to pull that cord tomorrow

this is equivalent to Bringing back Snyder after BvS

with results like this for SOLO...its not undeniable that The Audiences were split on TLJ Maybe to the extent Audiences were spilt on BvS(only TLJs good reviews covered it up)....

Rian Johnson creating and directing a SW film now is a DEATH SENTENCE...

It truly may even be time to consider letting Kennedy go....With results like this, YOU HAVE TO Stop the bleeding, You have to give HOPE...

that is why Justice League was doomed, there was no HOPE after BvS, there was no HOPE for anything better with Snyder directing JL...

right now its clear, SW fans and even the general Public does not like what is happening in These New SW films, thats 100% on Kennedy.....

I'm not sure how HYPE and HOPE returns With Kennedy there!

I think Now, were looking at drastic DROPS for Episode 9....

this is a MESSAGE....this Is Alarming....This is every bit as Bad as The DCEU....

Disney can NOT GO FORWARD Monday as they've been going forward the last 3 years....They have to have a "Come to Jesus" moment....and realize They have DAMAGED the SW brand and Fans and Audiences are rejecting it...

Rian Johnson and Kennedy have to go...

those 2 moves overnight would get the ball moving in a good direction...

YOU WERE RIGHT queen(I'm not entirely sure you actually believed anything you were saying, I still think you were trolling) but none the less, Your trolling was right...

The Hate for The Last Jedi was more than previous thought....

and The SW franchise is in Trouble, With Drastic Declines coming!


WW:500 million


queen any reason why you didnt Add " Or Less(And Maybe A LOT LESS)"?

because that was your original prediction.

Its was "500 Million Or Less WW(Maybe a Lot Less)"

I respect that you are at least sticking with your AWFUL and Impossible 500 Million prediction that You know right down is going to fail and go down in flames, I'm taking credit for this one though, I've kinda made it impossible for you to change this prediction, I've posted and reminded you of it so times, you cant hide from it now, You have no choice but to Own it and EAT IT.....But I do find it quite funny, even you couldnt muster up the SHAME to add "Or Less(Maybe A Lot LESS)" its almost like You just Waiving the white flag, saying "Ya I'll Own the 500 M fail, But have misery on me, I know theres no way its making less than 500 M, can we please just forget I Said that"


are you been MIA since late Saturday night only posting like 6 messages.Its Odd its almost like something happened late Saturday that upset and made you want to disappear? can you think of anything like that,that happened?

Oh, Oh Ya, Thats right, You had your World Rocked when Late Saturday reports started coming in that DP2 was headlining for A 125 Million Opening weekend..a result that turned you into a compete laughing stock and completed your biggest trolling failure of all time on these boards

You have Literally been Speechless, This is not normal for you..You fail all the time, but you always have excuses and ways to spin your failures..Here though...Your just straight up a ghost, you havent responded or talk in any way about DP2 since late Saturday...I think you might be BROKEN...

I do not believe you at any point the though that DP2 might not top DP1 ever crossed your mind....I think you were for the last 1 Month 1000% sure DP2 was going to top DP1 and I even believe you thought a 150 + M OW was guaranteed, I think for the last month, You experience true JOY with thought That that you finally 100% had me, that I was going to be wrong, and you were going to always have ONE over on me.....

I think when Late saturday hit....You straight up had your Mind blown, Your dreams crushed and experienced The worst lose you've ever had in your time on these boards....I think It has BROKE you and You truly are Speechless....I'm not even sure you've truly excepted what happened...

Anyways because I hate You I just want to point out....Its only going to get worse....This weekend you get to look forward to SOLO dominating and Beating YOUR prediction by HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of Dollars....

Then you get to look forward to being wrong by maybe 77 Million On Jurassic World I baited you into giving a prediction for JW2 about 1 month ago....I predicted I'd be shocked if it went over 160 M....You then predicted 185 to 200 just downgraded JW2s OW to 130 Million...


did you see some of those old Posts of yours I dug up where You Guaranteed Justice League would make 1 Billion.....guaranteed Justice League would top Thor 3 domestically and World Wide...

guaranteed Justice League would open over 150 Million (maybe 160 Million)....


the hilarious part about all these predictions are YOU used words like "Certainly" ..."Most Certainly"...."For Sure"

I just find this hilarious consider you tried to tell me I look like an idiot for saying "No Way" when I make a prediction, that I shouldnt say things with such

yet you have at least 50 + failed Prediction where you used Words that Literally Meant "Certainty"

you truly are queen, The worst and Oddest troll I've ever seen...Ive never came across a troll as bad as you....nothing you say makes sense, Your trolling tactics Damns movies you like more than your targets and You same thing about other people that 100% applies to you instead!

You are just ODD



My 500 million WW prediction was "awful and impossible", hmmm?

You sure have gotten quiet!



Congratulations QueenFanUSA! You win!
You came the closest with your prediction 6 days ago.

The 4 day total was $103,000,000
You predicted $110,000,000.

Even you 3 day total was close.
The 3 day total was $84,751,000
You predicted 95,000,000

You get bragging rights!!!!
I really wish I had a prize to give out.

I'm going to assume that Solo comes in slightly less than your other predictions:
Domestic total:225 million
WW:500 million


Thank you, keelai!

I'm speechless!


All hail QueenFan!



Opening long weekend: $150m; total $400m
International weekend: $250m; total $600m (third from China)

Come Friday we will have a good idea what the opening will be.
I say a $1000m worldwide, Bubba says $800m. Everyone else loses!


a 3rd from , China, lol , it will bomb hard there


It would be better if a third doesn't come from China considering how little the studio gets from there.


Solo is projected to make 13 to 15 Million On Midnight screening queen...

Thats what DP1 made and it resulted in a 133 Million dollar Opening weekend!

lol going to be another awful weekend for you waiting for Numbers to come in...

I baited you into giving a prediction....You you predicted "DP2 will open higher than SOLO"

So far these numbers are cutting way to close for Comfort...

Its entire possible SOLO could come in under 125 M...But now its possible it could come in over...

anyways just wanted to update you so the panicking can begin...

It makes me quite happy thinking about you sitting at your computer all weekend "Hitting Refresh" checking to see if New projections came in while the whole time panicking that OLD BILL Brown might win another one if Solo opens over 125 M....

You could of felt a lot better had SOLO had 10 to 12 Million Midnight numbers....that would suggest 110 to 120 Milion ...

but 13 to 15 Million usually equally anything from 120 to 135 Million ....


You better hope MovieChat doesn't lower the limit of characters per post and the number of posts per topic cause let's face it you're in trouble if that happens :D


You better hope MovieChat doesn't lower the limit of characters per post and the number of posts per topic cause let's face it you're in trouble if that happens :D

^^^actually they already do....

I have to write in 3 or 4 separate Replies then add them together when I'm ready to post....

I even PMed one of the moderators to see if they could expand the text....

They PMed back with Cheat....They told Me you can only write a certain amount in replies, but if you post the reply and then edit it, you and double the amount...Its still not enough for me though...

I miss the days of IMDB Limits there....

thanks for your concern though...It took a while to get used to but I got it down now


Don't get me wrong I agree with most of what you post but sometimes it's just too long to read it.


Don't get me wrong I agree with most of what you post but sometimes it's just too long to read it.


oh no, I completely understand...I'm terrible at typing and have a hard time articulating exactly what I'm trying to say which results in Massive over typing...

I never argue with anyone who says my typing is bad or too long, I completely understand




May 25 - 10:47AM: Industry estimates this morning are pegging around $33M today for Disney’s Solo: A Star Wars Story with a $80M-$90M three-day and $105M-$115M play over four days. That’s a very early read on opening figures, which do not come from Disney.




That will be quite bad if that is where it comes in.


Congratulations QueenFanUSA!
You came the closest with your prediction 6 days ago.

The 4 day total was $103,000,000
You predicted $110,000,000.

Even you 3 day total was close.
The 3 day total was $84,751,000
You predicted 95,000,000

You get bragging rights!!!!

I'm going to assume that Solo comes in slightly less than your other predictions:
Domestic total:225 million
WW:500 million
