You mean Disney pays all these critics off and they still can only manage a 70% score(and falling)?
the level of Anger and Jealousy one must have to stoop to The Disney pays off Hundreds of Professional critics Nationwide whos been doing this their entire careers and had no problem risking career suicide and The ability to take care of their family to except these bribes... is simply stunning..Its a conspiracy that is so impossible, One truly has to be at the end of their rope to even utter it let alone say it like its true
of course Queen it doesnt surprise me one bit that you are at this point..first you clearly Hate BOTH the MCU and Star Wars, Both of which are having Trollproof Success, at least 4 times a Year you have to watch as Their movies come out to Universal Praise and LITERALLY Best of the year Box Office..then You have even worse because you clearly Love WB and the DCEU, for which you've had the Horror of watching 4 out 5 DCEU films be complete Trainwrecks, and Had to watch WB have a Disastrous last 18 Months With at least 6 massive BOMBS
So they are 3 things right there that have at the very least pushed you TO THE EDGE....and dont feel lonely....A lot of DCEU fans are AT THE EDGE after not only watching THE MCU films have Unprecedented success but Also having to watch The DCEU films come out to universal hatred and truly be some of the most MOCKED films in Hollywood History("MARTHA" from BvS Will simply be around 100 years from now as one of the single worst Creative failures in History, lol "Mustache Gate" Will forever be MOCKED) Fanbase in History has been burnt like DC fans have been burnt by The DCEU
but the thing that Makes YOU HAVE IT WORSE..all other DC fans are simply PUSHED TO THE EDGE..You have it worse than all Of Them , YOU HAVE BEEN PUSHED OVER THE EDGE..and thats because you have this weird unnatural HATRED for Disney..Simply put, you have chosen to Hate the worst possible this moment, NOTHING could bring you more Pain, Anger and Jealousy than Disney and Their Success...
lol since 2013 , You've had to watch Disney OWN Hollywood, Producing 12 films grossing over 1 Billion and 16 grossing over 650 Million!.
You've had to watch and will continue to watch for the decade while Disney puts out at least 6 films a years from the 4 HOTTEST Franchises in the world in The MCU, Star Wars, Pixar and Thier Live Action Fairytale remakes
lol DC fans have it extremely bad, watching the MCU have unprecedented success for 10 years is truly awful...watching DCEU films fail and be complete disasters and LOSE it Direct competition to MCU films is worse and HAS to BE PURE HELL
but you have ALL THIS^ PLUS your deep Hatred for Disney where you have to watch Them OWN Hollywood....basically Your In HELL and Its like you the Devil has a Personal Hatred for you where hes decided to make it his personal Mission to TORTURE YOU!
quite simply put, You've been hit with a 4 stage onslaught
Stage 1-The MCUs Unprecedented 10 Years Success
Stage 2-4 out of 5 awful DCEU films that lost in direct competition to MCU films
Stage 3-WB having a Disastrous 18 Month stretch with at least 6 Massive flops
Stage 4-Disney's 5 years stretch of Unprecedented Success that Is ONLY getting HIGHER
this onslaught has PUSHED YOU OVER the edge where you'd now rather live in a delusional reality than reality itself, This is why You can Utter the "Disney Pays Off Critics" conspiracy without feeling deep SHAME
I'm not even sure at this point even you have even thought about what would go into Disney actually paying off critics and the Pure Impossibilities of it....I truly think at this point, You just say things Intentionally not thinking about them, You dont want to think about them, You dont want to actually know if they are possible or not, You would just rather believe "Disney Isnt really making good and success films, Nope, They just paying critics off"
lol Disney has actually DROVE YOU crazy...LITERALLY
This movie could turn into a Ghostbusters 2016-esque bomb.
by Bomb do you Mean almost certainly going to make 700 Million + WW....
just so were clear, for SOLO to be a Ghostbusters 2016-esque bomb....
It would need to make around 460 Million WW....
GB had a 144 Million budget and made 229 M WW.....
Since SOLO has roughly double that budget....For SOLO to be a Ghostbusters 2016-esque bomb, It has to miss 500 Million WW by 40 Million dollars....
Let me just say that Is Impossible....there is Zero chance Solo make less than 500 M WW.....therefor your "Ghostbusters 2016-esque bomb" statement is completely Pointless and Is An Impossibility....
go to box office a little research and find A Film and result that MIGHT actually Be Possible and then come back and "SOLO could turn into a ________ -esque bomb"(the blank part is for whatever film you find that has a box office result that is at least a Possibility compared to Solo)
example....Justice League is truly the best possible example....It had the exact same budget, and Made An incredibly disappointing 658 M which lead to WB losing at least 60 Million dollars...
Now if you dont believe Solo will make as much as JL...then say "SOLO could turn into a Justice League 2017-esque bomb But Worse"
given that Solo is Part of a Very important Franchise that is now 4 films deep and Justice League is also part of a very important franchise that is 5 films deep....there can be no better Example
JL not only bombed and lost money, But it badly hurt the franchise and is Looked as A huge Black Eye and Massive embarrassment....Solo too would be looked at the same way if it bombed, It would be seen as A Huge Blow for the SW franchise, Just Like JL is looked as a huge Blow and embarrassment for the DCEU, no cared about Ghostbusters flopping.
your Ghostbusters example literally doesnt make sense in any way and and It makes you look extremely Dumb for Using it considering there is An absolute Perfect example in JL that you could of used instead....
If Hell freezes over and SOLO makes less than 500 M....I bump this thread and say NICE call your Ghostbusters example was Great....
but when it has a Global Opens over 325 Million Next sunday ....I'll bump this thread and once again Point out your Ghostbusters comparison was Awful
If a Han Solo movie doesn't make a billion then it is a bomb. The nothing burger of a movie called Rogue One made a billion dollars.
do you mean"In MY OPINION If a Han Solo movie doesn't make a billion then it is a bomb"......
because thats all your might want to also NOTE, that Your opinion is not shared at all by the Majority or not 1 single box office analyst....
The Star Wars Franchise Is heading toward The MCU model for box office....
The expectations for "Episodes" films/Main Characters absolutely 1 Billion +.....
But Expectations for Spin Offs are anything above 700 Million...
what is happening with The MCU is....Avengers films and Team Up films like Civil War, absolutely have 1 Billion + expectations.
but solo films have expectations around 650 to 700 M +
every Star Wars film cant be expected to Gross 1 Billion + ..No Franchise in History has none that
there is a notable Audience different between "Episode" films and Spin offs, these films can not have the same expectations.
Audiences views the Episode films as MUST SEE true Star Films, the Spin Offs are not seen as that important or as The EVENT films that the Episodes are
Now Its clear, given your history your just trying to set the bar intentionally too high....
But Because I'm not biased I'll at least say....With SOLO specifically, It needs to make more than 700 Million to be a HIT...
due to the Production problems , The Budget nearly doubled...and is at 300 M...
We know WB LOST 60 Million dollars of Justice League which had the exact same Budget and Production problems, we know JL's 658 Million resulted in WB Losing 60 Million...
So in this particular case, SOLO probably needs to make 750 to 800 Million to break even in Theaters and then make a decent profit in the years to come off home revenue...
So while The expectations going forward for Star Wars spinoffs will certainly be around 700 Million +.....WE can make the case Solo needs to make 800 Million due to its budget...
the big problem with your " If a Han Solo movie doesn't make a billion then it is a bomb." statement is...
no studios Makes a film with the Stance "Its got to make 1 Billion or its a bomb" can have hopes or expectations...but No studio says its 1 Billion or bust....and the reason why is...BUDGETS dont get that big...Youd have to spend nearly 450 to 500 Million dollars on a film for it to need to Gross 1 Billion or its a Bomb...
going forward Star Wars Spinoffs will have Budgets between 170 to 200 Million....Just like SOLO's budget was before it had Problems...
When a film has a 170 to 200 Million budget....anything above 650 Million Is A HUGE HIT...
I get that you and queen are trolls and you've been trolling on star wars for a while now, I get that no matter what the box office result is, You'll move the goal posts to claim its a disappointment...
but you cant just make stuff up...No ones expectations for SOLO has been or ever was 1 Billion....that is simply you intentionally trying to set the bar too high...
lol hell as of last month queen predicted "500 Million or Less WW"
going forward....Expectations for Star Wars films are pretty simple...1 Billion + for Episode films and 700 Million + for Spinoffs...
The nothing burger of a movie called Rogue One made a billion dollars.
also worth noting Rogue One was a universally Praised film that came directly after The 2 Billion dollar The Force Awakens...It completely Maxed out due to The Force Awakens effect
A great example of this is ..IM3 after The Avengers....The Avengers Made 1.5 Billion was Universally loved, Then A MCU Solo film came out exactly 1 year later and drastically over performed off the heels of The Avengers..Yet all other future Solo films didnt get close to performing this high...
thats exactly what happened with Rogue One, Its drastically over performed coming off the heels of TFA...Future Spinoff films wont perform the same ...
no one expects MCU solo films to make 1.2 Billion a piece because IM3 did after The Avengers...
No One expects Solo and future SW spinoff to Make 1 Billion + because RO did after TFA
you and queen just both trolled the SW boarfs for months after TLJ predicting the franchise was in trouble and SOLO was going to flop.....Now your both moving the goal posts because you see SOLO is about to make a lot more than you expected....
lol hilariously though you dont realize this contradicts your months of trolling, You BOTH spent months talking about how bad The Last Jedi damaged the Star Wars brand, how much audiences hated it and how much audiences arent going to show back up.....but now your saying SOLO should make as Much as Rogue One?
which is it>? SOLO cant make as much as Rogue ONE if it lost Audiences like your claiming, SOLO cant make the same amount of money as Rogue One if The Star Wars franchise is as damaged as you've been claiming for 6 months?
according to BOTH you and queen TLJ was Hated and lost audiences....why are you now saying SOLO needs to get make the same amount as Rogue One....your basically Intentionally Making a prediction that according to you is impossible...
if you guys really believe TLJ did that much damage....Then its Impossible for SOLO to get close to Rogue One in box just lost too Much of the audience....Yet hilariously Your saying SOLO needs to make as Much as Rogue One...
You are either forgetting about Months of trolling and not realizing your own trolling makes 1 Billion Impossible for SOLO...
or you do realize and worse, your are intentionally claiming it needs to make 1 Billion because You believe its impossible...
either way the desperate and SHAME here is off the charts
If Hell freezes over and SOLO makes less than 500 M....I bump this thread and say NICE call your Ghostbusters example was Great....
Will pre-bump this for you.
I got no leg to stand on on this one....
SOLO had A Collapse that seriously is almost unprecedented in Hollywood history....
from the moment results started coming in last friday, I bumped several threads of "Queens"....congratulating him on Being right and saying I'm now completely with him on the SW franchise being in trouble...
I have no problem doing the same thing here, I was Wrong ...YOU WERE RIGHT...
I've never seen A Franchise Drastically Decline this much with just 1 film....
It seemed there was a Small minority who were unhappy with The Disney SW films, But overall it looked like The Overwhelming Majority LOVED them....YOU,Queen and a few others had been pointing out for months that the HATRED and DISLIKE for these SW films were much worse than it seems....and DEAR GOD were you guys right....
for results like this to happen...There has to be A MAJOR divide With Fans and audiences on the first 4 SW films for DECLINES like this to happen
and MOST IMPORTANTLY....The HATRED and Frustration for The Last Jedi Must truly Be HUGE....
that film Literally OFFENDED SW fans....
I do not see how Disney and the SW films go forward now With Kennedy and Rian Johnson....
They are TOXIC...
A Rian Johnson Trilogy or individual SW film is HOPELESS now...
Bringing back Johnson to Helm another SW film is the equivalent OR WORSE than WB Bringing Back Snyder to Direct JL after Shitting the bed with BvS...
They have to let them go to have any HOPE of SW9 and future SW films having BO success
I certainly don't revel in the fact that this movie is a failure. It just goes to show you how serious SW fans are about SW movies, including the legendary Han Solo. Nobody wanted this movie and now we get to see the results of it. Its not a terrible movie but its not a good movie either.
I certainly don't revel in the fact that this movie is a failure. It just goes to show you how serious SW fans are about SW movies, including the legendary Han Solo. Nobody wanted this movie and now we get to see the results of it. Its not a terrible movie but its not a good movie either.
I definitely agree that part of the movies failure is that fact that its clear there wasnt much desire for a SOLO film from anyone including SW fans, But definitely Not 1 without Harrison Ford playing SOLO...
If I'm Monday quarterbacking this thing to explain what went wrong(because Monday quarterbacking is the KEY HERE because I obviously Badly MiSSED on this one and didnt see this coming)
But now that its happened...If I were making a PIE chart to explain what happened I'd say...
50%-A boycott from Fans and audiences because they hate Kennedy and Johnson and Have been deeply unhappy with the 4 SW films
15%--badly Damaged Hyped/Complete Loss of Interest Based on the awful Post Production problems,
15%---Awful Marketing that never sold the movie right
20%-NO ONE wanted this film....No wanted a Han Solo film without Harrison Ford, Hell I'm not sure many wanted one With Harrison Ford but I'm sure SW fans Might have at least somewhat gotten on board with HF returning.....
All in All...a complete misfire and a MASSIVE and Disastrous scale!
nope.....You and many other truly are at that point
lol have you seen any videos by Grace Randolph?
shes a Professional Critic who was fired by Marvel Years ago, and when BvS came out to universally Hatred decided to Literally jump on the "Theres An Agenda/conspiracy among critics to give BvS and DC movies bad reviews" train
then when Civil War came out to Universal Praise she tweeted at Pictures of John Campea and other critics at The Premiere of Civil War(the same premiere she went to) and had $$$$ signs suggesting Critics were paid to give Marvel movies good reviews.
most recently she embarrassingly Told Marvel fans the were too dumb to understand China currency....Marvel Fans Last week were tweeting asking her if she thinks The Avengers Infinity War would open over 200 Million in China...she replied with "Ugggghh you marvelites dont understand The Currency in China" and suggested The Avengers Might make 200 Million TOTAL in China but not opening weekend....
lol of course everyone Immediately knew it was Her that didnt understand the Currency and The entire Weekend last weekend, People were Brutally make fun of her when AIW was heading toward 200 Million + on OW...
on Sunday....Grace Pulled a complete Stunner, and instead of admitting she was wrong or admitting AIW had an Impressive, Larger than expected opening in China.
she decided to claim The China Governmen had a conspiracy to ALLOW AIW to break the record.she somehow came up with a story that Because China is invested in Disney theme parks, China wanted and Helped AIW break the opening weekend record, Of course she has no explanation why China didnt also help With The Last Jedi and other Disney films that hasnt fared well in China....but these are the depths people like you and others Will go to.
Grace Hate Marvel because they fired her(lol she even claimed Black Panther Badly Under performed Overseas, despite the only MCU films making More are Avengers films and CW and IM3) shes claimed BvS is masterpiece and "The Stanely Kubrick The Shining of Comic Book Movies"...Grace goes to absolute Extremes So she doesnt have to except Marvels Success....
You on the other Hand HATE Disney...You go into Absolute extremes to try and not except Disneys Success....Part of that, almost certainly is believing theres A conspiracy among critics....this would be HUGE for YOU, You wouldnt have to except Disney is actually Making Good and successful movies, Instead you could believe Disneys success isnt real, Its just the result of Pay Offs to critics who make The General Public think the movies are good....I literally have no doubt you believe this, Your hatred for Disney is too strong, You'd much rather live in a world where "Disney Isnt really making good movies, They are just paying off critics" than Live in a world where Disney "Is on a 5 years run of dominance that is unmatched in Hollywood history resulting in 12 films grossing 1 Billion + and 16 grossing over 650 million all in the last 5 years"
lol lets face it queen, Disney has Drove you to this....You cant Hate something has much as you Hate Disney and continue to year after year watch them have Unprecedented Success without completely BREAKING....
Disneys Success has Broke now Troll Forums and create desperate and SAD ANTI Disney troll threads to try and deal with this Pain...
Actually the want to see it score is pretty low, 62%, usually that is high for something like this since the people that are interested in seeing it, regardless of expectations, is a far larger group than those that simply want to give it a one and move on about their day.
The thing I love about this discussion is: When Disney makes a horrible movie (like TLJ) and people react angry or negatively at it, its just trolls and fat nerds. But when Disney creates something awesome (like Avengers or other MCU) its ''Disney paid people off!''
Like what is it ? Either the people are right, or the people aren't. You can't have your cake and eat it.
When talking about critics though, thats a different story. Many critics rely on their relationship with these companies. And smaller independent critics might make a safe review in favor of viewers.
I guess you just gotta find someone you trust and someone that has proven to share alot of the same opinions as you.
Thats how I steered away from Chris Stuckmann on youtube. He eventually didn't really feel the same way about to many movies. Jeremy Jahns however basically has 95% of the same opinion as I do. Hence I trust his judgement before I decide to watch something.
RT score doesn't really mean alot. neither does IMDB. It can only filter out the absolute horrible movies and the absolute best movies. everything in between is up for grabs.
The 70% is a stark contrast to TLJ though. Even RO and TFA. But this is just the premiere. We'll see how RT and IMDB fare when the general public can have a go at it.