MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Just realized there's a "cast Giggling L...

Just realized there's a "cast Giggling Little White Males as main characters" trend...

In the Star Wars reboot the main characters were ethnic minorities and women, while villains were white males, preferably red-hair or blond ones.

At the same time, there's a trend about making white males look psychotic and/or pathetic. You can notice that in Kylo Ren and General Hux, who are ridiculous when you compare them with Darth Vader or Moff Tarkin (this one: ) in the original trilogy. Not to say, that's one of the reasons that makes the reboot sucks.

However, I just noticed a new trend: in case you don't "diversify" white male roles (making them ethnically diverse or women) then... cast little giggling beta white males to play supposedly tough and charismatic main characters, while at the same time surround him with alfa non-white males and tough females to make a difference. No need to say, that will make the movie suck, but who cares? It's not about making good movies anymore, it's all about political agenda.

You have here Ehrenreich. You're supposed to believe that he can be Han Solo:

And this is Taron Egerton, the next Robin Hood. Yes, you're supposed to believe this guy can be the most charismatic and tough bandit in the British folklore: while, at the same time, they're placing Jamie Foxx as Little John. This is the new level: it's not enough to cast a diversity Robin Hood group, the white guys must be little giggling girlie things.

And that not only happens in US movies. Dane Dehaan played Valerian in the most expensive french movie ever made. The original Valerian (in the comics) was a kind of Han Solo/James Bond character. This is the guy who played him:


Atleast in the old Star Wars they didn't rely on forced diversity and identity politics crap to make a good movie.


Han Soy Boy and Robin Cuck. 💩


For sure. They've been casting effeminate men for a while now. Even when they're sort of macho, they're always harmless goofballs, like Chris Pratt in Guardians. You're never gonna see a brawny Tom Selleck oozing machismo all over the screen again. Even when it's a muscle head guy like Vin or Rock, they're overly male to the point of cartoony satire.


100% agreed.

Pratt is a very good actor, but he's clearly the goofy type. Nothing bad with it, Cary Grant has been always my favorite actor and he's the most iconic goofy actor ever. Or Errol Flynn, who played a wonderful and goofy Robin Hood back in the 30s.

But then you had others like John Wayne, Steve McQueen, Bogart, or Sean Connery, who played Robin in Robin & Marian (wonderful movie).

The problem lies in our time, where Pratt is the closest thing to a "macho" actor. Nowadays Wayne or Connery wouldn't be able to make a career in Hollywood.


Interesting points.


Hey queen Thoughts?

I dont know, this isnt looking good for your almost 6 months campaign of trying to claim The Star Wars franchise is badly damaged after The Last Jedi...

you've been clear and very specific with your trolling on the Star Wars franchise, according to you, The franchise is in trouble after TLJ queen

you even went has far as claim youd be surprised if SOLO made 500 million World Wide?

I think it may be time for you to START moving the goal posts, I know you'll never give up or admit you were wrong...

but its clear now, The Star War franchise isnt is the dire situation you've been desperately trolling about....SOLO clearly isnt going to get anywhere near the LOWS you've been predicting...audiences dont seem to be nearly as "Turned off" as you've been claiming for 6 months...

of course your hatred for Disney wont allow you admit you were wrong and The SW franchise seem to be in great shape, but you cant go on as you've been the last 6 months...Theres just nothing you've said in the last 6 months thats going to come true...SOLO presales are proving, Your extreme trolling and desperate claims arent even going to remotely come true...

If I were you, Id start moving the goal posts and start hedging your bets...start raising you predictions from 500 Million to 700 M...start thinking of absurd reasons why SOLO can perform Great but it still means the Star wars Franchise is in trouble and has Lost audiences...

you got to start doing this fast Queen...SOLO is coming and it looks like its going to be a big need to start thinking of know this is going to KILL YOU...You've spent way to much time trolling of Star Wars...SOLO being a massive hit is going to be the ultimate Humiliation for you!


It seems that it's flopping.


IMO it will be almost impossible for Solo to FLOP...

But if SOLO makes less than 700 Million.....Its a disappointment...

I'll have no problems admitting SOLO is a disappointment if that happens, I'm not a SW fans, I only Hate Queen....

I just want SOLO to make more than 500 Million WW so queens OFF by Hundreds of MILLIONS...

Obviously if Solo Disappoints and ONLY makes like 550 to 575 Million...I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, In fact , I'll give queen the win, and admit the SW franchise may be in trouble....

But if SOLO make 675 to 700 M+.....I win and queen MISSES by Hundreds of Millions...

I think SOLO should get close to 700 M...if it does Disney Will eventually break even and make a small profit...

If it make anything less than 650...Its a disappointment and Disney Will lose money...

if it makes less than 600 Million...were talking FLOP now...


Just out of curiosity, what is it? autism?


"In the Star Wars reboot the main characters were ethnic minorities and women, while villains were white males, preferably red-hair or blond ones."

The villains in the Star Wars movies were always white males.


People like the OP have no grasp of history, they barely even see beyond the ends of their noses.


The villains in the Star Wars movies were always white males

That point is ludicrous. In the original trilogy almost every character was a white male. That's like saying that Chinese movies are racist against Chinese people because villains are Chinese. Are you bloody kidding me?

However, when you cast a "diverse" (diverse => non-white males) cast to play the good guys while you portrait the Evil Empire More Nazi Than Ever with mostly caucasian white males, well, the point is clear.


The Evil Empire was supposed to represent Nazis who are pretty much white males. The novelization even stated that the Empire was made up of white human males that persecuted those who weren't.

"However, when you cast a "diverse" (diverse => non-white males) cast to play the good guys while you portrait the Evil Empire More Nazi Than Ever with white males, well, the point is clear."

These two photos make the point more clear. Keep in mind that Trump referred to neo-Nazis as fine people and the Republicans support him.


You're obsessed with a sense of masculinity you can't achieve and you're intimidated by other genders and races.

It's people like you that necessitate the kind of reactionary "diversity" you hate.

Grow up, you immature little nitwit. Learn how to engage in actual conversation.


You're obviously a lesbian with penis envy. Pathetic SJW outrage whenever someone reminds you there's a Real World!


Are you a cliche' machine?


You're obsessed with a sense of masculinity you can't achieve and you're intimidated by other genders and races

Both points wrong. Neither I have any "sense of masculinity" lack of achieving, neither I'm intimidated by other gender and races. It seems that perspicacity is not one of your strengths.

In any case, I'm intimidated by this religion/cult that glorifies cultural expiation and self-harm. It's the most dangerous thing that has happened to western world in centuries, and maybe it would be time to treat it as such.


Complaining about white men being portrayed as beta males makes you sound like a beta male, just so you know.


Let's try your sentence with different words:

Complaining about racists makes you sound like a racist, just so you know.

Hmm, you sure you want to stick by your diagnosis?



Yup. The only people I don't believe are racists are the ones who don't spend every waking moment talking about it.



Could be true, but why feel guilty if you have nothing to feel guilty about?


Complaining about white men being portrayed as beta males makes you sound like a beta male, just so you know

You have a very twisted view of what makes alfa and beta. Assertiveness is an alfa feature, and complaining when the complaint is right and necessary is an assertive act.


You think pointless and useless complaining is assertive and makes you look "alpha"?

Oh dear, oh dearie dear.


I didn't say that. I said that assertiveness is an alpha feature, and an assertive attitude includes complaining when it's right and necessary to complain.

If you're gonna quote people, use their words. Don't assign to them words you made up.


Two factors...

First, nerd culture is THE mainstream culture now... So you're going to see a lot more dorky guys in movies and TV... Geeky guys are the "model" now. for what it is to be a man in 2018... This is not just media driven, it comes from society and culture...

The second factor is you're primarily discussing StarWars and comicbook type of movies... These are very much at the heart of geek culture. Everything about them is dorky... Either by being child oriented or adolescent in a non-sensual, obsessive about trivia and anti-erotic way...

There is something very corporate and consumer about it... By sanitising the sensual aspects of these movies as well as trying to appeal more and more to child and family audiences, there is a natural tendancey towards infantalisation of the characters and the audience as well... Valarian retains some sensuality simply because it is French/European...

You're not going to have a Charles Bronson type lead in movies these days, but that has been the case for decades (the good Death Wish remake with Bruce Willis is an exception)... The thing is, there are still leads who are actual males, it's just not in the toy blockbusters that dominate the box office... You have to look at genre movies or the rare movie for grown ups, like The Lost City of Z (excellent movie) and such. The thing is, adults have retreated from the cinema as an audience and when they do go it's for the family movies or CGI cartoons rather than anything like Basic Instinct, or any number of thrillers and dramas from a couple of decades ago... And the large studios have also scaled back their mid budget genre movies and drama for grown ups..

I'll give you a last example, Michael Mann made the best movie about international cyber warfare to date called BlackHat, staring a masculine Chris Hemsworth... The response from internet geeks was to reject the idea of a masculine cyber criminal turned good. He was considered too manly by the audience.


>> First, nerd culture is THE mainstream culture now... So you're going to see a lot more dorky guys in movies and TV... Geeky guys are the "model" now.

Interesting theory, but wrong. If that was right, the same would happen independently of race, ethnic group and gender, which is not the case. You tell me that this looks geeky?

>> The second factor is you're primarily discussing StarWars and comicbook type of movies... These are very much at the heart of geek culture. Everything about them is dorky... Either by being child oriented or adolescent in a non-sensual, obsessive about trivia and anti-erotic way...

Are you kidding me? Harrison Ford is one of the most iconic sex-symbols in Hollywood ever. And Hayden Christensen, the main character in the prequels, was considered back then as the main young-actor-gonna-be-great-and-sex-symbol from his time. Later on he felt from grace, but that happened after episodes II and III.

>> I'll give you a last example, Michael Mann made the best movie about international cyber warfare to date called BlackHat, staring a masculine Chris Hemsworth... The response from internet geeks was to reject the idea of a masculine cyber criminal turned good. He was considered too manly by the audience.

He was too manly for the character, which is a very different thing. That's called a miscat. You don't use Steve McQueen to play a nerdy professor. It doesn't fit.
