MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > So...probably a budget over $300 million...

So...probably a budget over $300 million?

Good grief! Add another $100-150 million for marketing and this will have to make $800 million just to break even!

With all of the negativity towards Star Wars these days this may be the first in the 41 year history of Star Wars to LOSE money! Plus...Disney hasn't even earned back the 4 billion it paid for Lucasfilm.



It'll earn it back and then some. Despite the recent controversy with "The Last Jedi" people love this franchise and will pay to see almost any movie attached to it.


Hmmm...I hope you're right but I dunno...


I've clocked out.

I don't know what that means for others though.




nice call on Black Panther..I see you made a simila thread about Solo..

You were sure Disney was going to be disappointed by Black Panther. you were wrong and your failed thread in an Epic way, wonder if this similar thread will fail too?

giving your near 100% history rate and failing .I say Yep. good chance this thread fails on an Epic level too



do you find it ODD that by making this thread you accidentally PROVED Justice League is a Flop?

So...probably a budget over $300 million?... Good grief! Add another $100-150 million for marketing and this will have to make $800 million just to break even!


lol you just perfectly described JL....

JL is a 300 Million + tentpole that was reshot and also had a 100-150 Million Marketing yet JL made 657 Million...

lol Now based on Your own WORDS Justice League is a FLOP....this exact expectations you just set for solo needing to make 800 Million....exactly apply to Justice League.

this is what I'm talking have to be a CHILD or a mentally challenged person....You literally just cut your own throat...

you at no point ever stopped to think what you were posting, you didnt realize or comprehend that the exact statement you were making about SOLO also Applies to JL...

this cant be just simply Bad TROLLING...its to have to be a CHILD, who just cant comprehend the mistakes your making...

you've spent Months defending JL....and with this one threads, unequivocally Accidentally proved even by YOUR OWN STANDARDS JL is A FLOP....

honestly can you even comprehend the depths of your failure With this thread?

do you understand that In an Attempt to Troll On Disney, you instead Proved Justice League failed?

lol do you understand that the expectations you just set for SOLO....makes it impossible your you to now defend Justice League?

How OLD are you?

are you a CHILD, or Teenager?

you can not be an adult....


Just fyi, I don't think he literally cut his own throat, because he is still posting his nonsense.


By Cut your own throat, I meant...He made a statement that hurt himself....Maybe a shouldnt have put "Literally" in front of it

but the point is....queens, awful statement where he claims SOLO needs to make 800 Million to break even...KILLS his stance that JL is a hit....

without realizes it... queens made a statement that Hurt his own cause and stance of justice League!....


Oh, I agree that Queeffan is full of all sorts of nonsense. The literally thing is just one of my many ticks,lol.


I Doubt 300M. The spinoff movies were reportedly given 175M per film with three films announced. Rogue one had extensive reshoots and came in with a reported 200M.

I would say on the high-end Solo will probably have a reported 250M which means it will need 250M domestically and 500-700 worldwide to be a financial success based on other blockbusters. I don't see any reason unless it's terrible that it should gross less than 1B worldwide and bare minimum 300M domestically.


That's very optimistic given the current climate surrounding the Star Wars franchise.

Let me say that I am very excited for this film.


Disney has so much infrastructure and crossover production, I don't know if true budget can even be calculated. I think they just pick a number for insurance purposes.
