MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Why don't they ever try and make these p...

Why don't they ever try and make these prequels look like they was made in the 70's?

I'm sorry but it just takes me out of it when these prequels that take place before the original movies from the 70's look like slick ultra HD movies that was made in 2018.

They just don't feel genuine, when you watch them in order it just doesn't work cause you go from slick ultra HD 2018 movies on to old grainy movies from the 70's.

Just look at how they filmed House Of The Devil, that was a modern movie and they made it look like it was shot in the 70's, you'd honestly think it was a 70's movie if no one told you.

I just wish they'd do that with some of these prequels to make them feel like they connect into the older movies.



True, now if only they'd start trying to make you feel like you're watching a movie from the 70's with the film stock it'd be great. But the actors and look of these prequels just don't feel 70's at all, looking at the trailer for this its ridiculous that this is supposedly before A New Hope.



No, to make it feel like you're back in the 79s the film stock should feel as brand spanking new as it was in 1977!

But yeah, I absolutely loved the 70s graphics and pornstaches in "R1". And I consider it a tribute to the original costume and production design people that a modern film can copy so much from 40 years ago, and those are the only things that look dated.



It really did look and feel like A Star Wars Movie! If only the writers were as good at their jobs as the production design people!

Not that I didn't enjoy the hell out of it in spite of the derivative story, but like I said. I'm easy to please.
