MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > The more footage they showed the worse i...

The more footage they showed the worse it looked

Ron Howard can't save a miscast actor


He doesn't feel, look or even sound like Harrison Ford at all. And its suppose to be a 5 year difference? between this and A New Hope? lol. In some shots he looks even older than Harrison Ford


why was he cast? and why couldn't they change him


No idea. I don't know. It's a stupid decision. Obi-Wan was believable because Obi-Wan was old in A New Hope and young in the PT. You could suspend disbelieve. Here its a 5 year difference and NO resemblance what so ever.


they should have gone younger in that case. Han solo 19-20.


They should have gone even younger than that. For it to be believable. I just can't see a Harrison Ford in this guy, he legit looks older than Harrison Ford.


ya he looks older than Ford in ANH. but what are you going to do...


Not make this fcking movie in the first time haha.
