Trailer reactions

What do you think the trailer reactions will be?
Will people mass-downvote as a protest for TLJ?
Will people mass-downvote as a protest for creating Solo in the first place, replacing Harrison Ford and ruining the mystery surrounding his character?

Or will it just be positive like all trailers have been for SW? With way more upvotes and hardly downvotes.


I imagine it will be all excitement and praise and hope coming from paid-for YouTubers who don't even care about the franchise.

Like the other ones.


Surely the upvotes and downvotes should be interesting? Like Ghostbusters received massive hate and downvotes.
Do you see something like that, to a degree, happening here?


Ghostbusters went into the marketing with a bad attitude towards most of its potential fan base.

I think that Solo, whilst potentially terrible, isn't trying to piss of its potential fans on purpose.

For that I don't think we'll see too many downvotes.

Plus, they always use the best bits in trailers and so people will see the cream of the crop instead of the full quality of the story.


That's true. But the massive downvotes won't be because of the movie itself, but more the intentions of Lucasfilm and Disney.
Like I said, downvotes as a protest to TLJ or downvotes as a protest to a Han Solo standalone movie. Or both.
''I think that Solo, whilst potentially terrible, isn't trying to piss of its potential fans on purpose.'' You may be right, but the director of TLJ and the Lucas Storygroup IS pissing of fans on social media. And the whole of TLJ also is. So maybe people will take out their anger on the Solo trailer.
