MovieChat Forums > Snowden (2016) Discussion > What information ...

What information ...

... did he give to Russia and China ?

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said Edward Snowden "stole very important information that has unfortunately fallen into a lot of the wrong hands."


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said Edward Snowden "stole very important information that has unfortunately fallen into a lot of the wrong hands."

... did he give to Russia and China ?

He gave the info to us and we the people are the wrong hands.

“Those who give up their liberties for a little security deserve neither and will lose both.” – Ben Franklin

‘The powerful are not to be trusted and liberty cannot be preserved without a knowledge among the people, who have an undisputable, unalienable, divine right to know that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge of the character and conduct of their rulers.”
- President John Adams

Statism: Worship of the State. The belief that you require permission to be free.
