MovieChat Forums > Snowden (2016) Discussion > Did anyone else confuse Jeffrey Snowden ...

Did anyone else confuse Jeffrey Snowden with Bradley Manning?

Kinda embarrassed to admit i did. I've gotten their stories mish-mqshed and confused.

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Edward Snowden...... and yes, sometimes I get them and Julian Assange mixed up.


snowden still has a dick


That's interesting. Me, not at all.

I'm wondering how old you are. If you are younger than
about 40 I wonder these days how do people grow up with
a political context to keep all of his straight?

You have to go back to WWII to really understand a lot
of things, and a couple of very good books say even farther
back to WWI because that is when the current world order
was put on this path.

It basically started for me when Bradley Manning leaked
some cables and documents to the newly created Wikileaks,
one of which happened to the that drone video of our
soldiers blowing the holy hell out of a group of journalists
when they claimed their cameras looked like missile launchers.
So that gives context to Bradley Manning and Julian Assange.

Then Wikileaks got a lot of media attention, and promised to
release a 500GB disk from Bank of America, but that never
happened, and there was no real excuse or explaination as
to why.

Then Snowden came along with his revelations as to the NSA,
CIA and their broad reaching global surveillance, and proving
that our intelligence leaders were out and out lying to us.

Then Wikileaks got the Panama Papers that showed that
many rich and famous people were stashing money all
over the world.

Now we have the Paradise Papers that show it is worse
and more widespread than we could dream about.

A lot of documents from all of these people are still being
looked at and have not been released.

On top of that Julian Assange and Wikileaks played a role
in the last election releasing documents hacked from the
Democrats. Just who these people are and what they are
doing is really confusing, and it all could be intelligence
agency misinformation too.
