Normally I'm fine with happy endings and I like the occasional ambiguous ending, but I wondered if anyone else found the ending a little unrealistic. I mean, the most realistic ending would have been for the elevator door to close. The End. To have him run after her is hopeful, sweet, but wildly unrealistic. Of course, just because he runs after her doesn't mean they're going to live happily ever after or even have a physical or romantic relationship. Maybe he'll say "It can't end this way" and they'll be "just friends." Ewwww. Maybe they'll have sex but realize the age difference is too great a barrier.
I liked Doris, the character, I liked the whole movie. And I was surprised to find myself rooting, as that elevator door closed, for him to *not* run after her. I wanted her to have realized her life was in a rut, make changes, throw the chair/ball at the mean boss, apologize sincerely to John for damaging his relationship, then move on. Without John. I'm not saying she has to take up with a 70-year-old, but - if she's with anyone at all - maybe it could be a guy closer to her own age.
Full disclosure, I'm in my 50s and work in a fairly large place. The friendliest, cutest, most engaging guy here and one of the people who is nicest to me is twenty. Seriously, twenty. It's heart-breaking. 😢