MovieChat Forums > Gotham (2014) Discussion > How Batgirl will come to be.

How Batgirl will come to be.

Here is my theory. Lee is still really pissed of at Jim. She doesn't want him dead so instead she reconciles with him for a bit just long enough to have a child with him. She has a daughter and just to piss him off names her Barbara.


That's... that's just a big NO. I don't think anyone would name their child something just to piss off the other parent. Lee don't even like Barbara, she in fact hates her. She'd never name her child that.


How about:

Barbara rapes Jim, gets pregnant, tells Jim it's his, then dies while giving birth leaving Jim alone with an infant. He names her Barbara after her mother.

SECOND place is just the FIRST Loser.


I find it hard to imagine a scenario where Jim would name is daughter after the women who raped him. I can imagine Barbara doing that but not Jim.



then Barbara names her prior to her demise.

The point is that she gets named Barbara, then Jim will be the one to raise her.

SECOND place is just the FIRST Loser.


I think Jim will meet another Barbara with red hair named Barbara Eileen and they will get married and have Barbara Gordon in one of the future seasons. The writers have said Batgirl/Barbara Gordon will appear in this show at some point so I am sure they have it worked out.


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She could also be named Stephanie or Cassandra. Who knows, maybe Barbara will get shot by Jerome, become a computer hacker and come to her senses. ;)


I was wondering that maybe Jim can have a girl with Lee, or somebody else, and when she is born Barbara kidnaps her. Then she names the girl with her own name and keeps the girl for a while, so that when Jim finds her and recover his daughter she already has a name. I don't know, it was just a hypothesis, but after I wrote it, I started to think it sounds a little dumb.
