Tryhard Joker.

If Joel Schumacher released Batman and Robin today, dumbass Gotham joker fans would call it a masterpiece. He is too over the top. He tries way too hard to be the Joker. Hate what Gotham has become.


The thing with Batman and Robin (and Batman Forever) is that the villains Mr. Freeze, Two-Face and Riddler were over-the-top (jumping around, laughing, being silly) which isn't how their characters are supposed to act. It would not be considered a masterpiece today in no way.

The Joker on the other hand IS over-the-top, that's his character. He's not only over-the-top, he's dark and sinister as well. Lots of Gotham fans, such as myself, thinks Jerome pulls off the Joker character really well. He's a mix between Hamill's, Ledger's and Nicholson's. Sometimes I wonder if some of you who says he's horrible have ever seen Batman (1989), the animated series or played any of the Arkham games because that's how he mostly acts, with a hint of Ledger.


I have seen all those the films dumbass. And you are really reaching to try and make that Jerome kid the best joker you have ever seen. His joker is crap.


I never said Cameron was the best, he could be though if he improve a bit, why the hate? Also, why call me a dumbass? I was not trying to be rude in my post or call names. People like you might be one of the reasons IMDb is shutting down the message boards, getting all hostile and such. Do better.


Yes, calling you a dumbass is why the boards are getting shutdown. Pfft. Stfu and stop acting like I hurt your feelings.


Lol you didn't hurt my feelings. Name calling just because I don't share your opinion just shows what type of people can be on these message boards. You or no one else hurts my feelings, but that don't mean other people's feelings can't get hurt. Be mindful that there's young people (maybe as young as 12) on these boards too.


Tryhard Joker? I guess you think Leno's Joker is too "edgy" which I would agree with you.

Cameron Monaghan's Joker is simply amazing.


Leno ? Lmao

Now, Leto was definitely try-hard. He literally *beep* purrs at someone in an attempt to seem intimidating/crazy. Like, forreal ?

Say what you will about Cameron, but he's not the one running around acting like an a-hole ejaculating in a bunch of condoms and giving them out to cast members as " gifts " and using the term "method acting " as an excuse for his horrid douchebaggery.


I dunno. Maybe Leno would've made a great Joker.


Jerome is definitely better than Leto's version. Leto wasn't horrible, but it was a weird Joker interpretation.


Ok i know i was rather steamed about things last week but least i was civil in mine. This guy is rather rude and i agree part of the reason the Forum is getting shut down. Since our last discussion i'm trying to accept Jerome as the Joker so i can carry on with Gotham. He's not a bad actor nor is his version bad, it was just to early for me to see Joker in the picture yet. Like you said we still dont know what drove Jerome to kill his mother and i'm sure there is more about him we dont know. I just wish the show would pick a direction and go with it cause they keep hopping around.


Well it was pretty well explained why Jerome killed his mother AND father. His mother drove him to a sense of madness, and a lack of concern or care for people by treating him with no love, and abusing him.

His father was around while Jerome was getting beaten, and all he did was to tell Jerome "to love himself, because no one else will", and never told him who he really was. Didn't protect him as his biological Dad even, and never took Jerome away from all the abuse, only gave him unempathetic seeming advice every now and then.

If his mother had left him alone, and not nagged him to do things around their home while she had sex with fellow circus performers in the room next to him, clowns none the less, Jerome would have left Gotham with the circus, and probably arrested down the line for something eventually, in another town..


You snowflakes should read why IMDB is closing the message boards. It's being used by a small amount of imdb users. The number of users is not high enough for them to keep it going. Since more people are using social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Jay Leno was the best joker. Lol


Nah Conan O'Brien was a better Joker than Jay Leno, why they sacked O'Brien and brought Leno back I'll never know, Leno played the Joker like he was Penguin (even had the waddle and chin). Though compared to Jimmy Fallon as Joker, Leno was good, only part of Joker Fallon does well is the way he laughs at his own jokes, then again Fallon is a millennial Joker and I'm not a millennial so probably miss half the appeal.

All hail Joker O'Brien:


I think the reason people aren't using the bored ( at least for me ) is the amount of negativity. You can't post an opinion on this board without someone disrespecting u. After every movie i watch i used to go to the boards rate it and discuss it. But it's not fun being called names. Its worse than FB because the boards are the only entertainment.

So yes imdb is canceling the boards due to low participation. And one of the reasons people have stopped participating are the trolls & the people who can only communicate with disrespect.
